Sharpening Your Spiritual Senses (MP3  3 Teaching Download) by Sean Smith
Sharpening Your Spiritual Senses (MP3 3 Teaching Download) by Sean Smith
SKU#: PROD37729
Price: $15.00

Sharpening Your Spiritual Senses 

(3 CD Set)

MP3 Teaching Download

by Sean Smith

Few things in this season will prove to be as pivotal as discernment and being able to track with God. In this 3-CD series, Sean equips the listener with how to raise your spiritual antennas higher. Ways to dial in to the Holy Spirits movement. Topics also covered include:

  • Breaking out of dullness of spirit
  • Entering into a heightened sensitivity to the spirit realm
  • Discernment of spirits
  • Becoming more alert to prophetic signals in the market place
  • Understanding the believers built in navigation system
  • Being "wise as serpents" outside the church walls
  • Positioning yourself to be used in the miraculous

This popular equipping is sure to take you to the next level and release a new effectiveness in your walk with Jesus.

Sean Smith has been launched into full-time evangelism, conducting outreaches and crusades all over the United States and overseas. Sean's messages are prophetic, challenging people to fulfill their destiny in Christ. Sean's services witness the Holy Spirit's supernatural release to meet people with a heart of compassion and to touch their needs. In addition to his evangelic ministry, Sean has served as the Director of Spiritual Life at Bethany Bible College in Scotts Valley, California. In May of 2001, Sean received a Masters in Ministry from the Wagner Leadership Institute. Sean's writings have been published in several nation-wide publications. The Smith family currently resides in San Ramon, California.

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