"A prophetic word to me is more than just knowing what's going to happen in my future, but it's a sacred, loving seed from the Fathers heart spoken to the depth in me about His amazing plans, strategies and love towards me. He is an amazing Father and Friend who loves to tell His children about what we are going to do together from now to eternity." - Jeremy Lopez
"Jeremy Lopez is by far the giver of some of the most accurate personal prophetic words I have ever seen. I know him personally and trust his gifts and he has a pastoral heart for people. He continues to blow me away with his accuracy and ability to pick up on God's timing and details that will astound you!" - Doug Addison
We want to say 'THANK YOU' in advance for your love gift that comes from your heart to help us spread God's love to everyone. Jeremy always gives quality time to hear from God for you out of his busy schedule. Your gift of love of around 40 dollars or more helps us take care of the needs of others and our mission work. The gift of God is always freely given, but the labor and time is asked to please be honored. Your prophetic word will be sent to the email you provide us as an audio download. Please allow up to 3 days for delivery to your email.
1.) (ONE TIME PROPHETIC WORD) Click below to give your donation for a prophetic word:
Click 'Donate' to process your love offering for a prophetic word. Also, make sure you include your GENDER and AGE.EXPECT UP TO 3 DAYS FOR THE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD OF YOUR PROPHETIC WORD TO COME TO YOUR EMAIL. *** Please respect and honor the 40.00 or more (per person) dollars since it is for the missions work of Identity Network.
2.) (RECURRING MONTHLY PROPHETIC WORD) Click below to receive a personal prophetic word every month! We HIGHLY recommend this option so you can hear what the Lord is telling you throughout the season! (VERY IMPORTANT):
3.) Make your gift by mail:
Send your name, email address and gift of $40.00 (USD ONLY) to:
Jeremy Lopez
P.O. Box 383213
Birmingham, AL 35238
Checks should be made out to Jeremy Lopez.
"How will my gift be used?"
Your gift goes into the general fund of Identity Network. It will help with the payroll for Jeremy and the staff members, with the office expenses of maintaining the website and email network that reaches 153,000 or more people daily. Furthermore, a big portion of your donation will help us with our missions work.
"Bro. Jeremy, why would you ask for money to give a prophetic word?"
Very simple, ALL through the Old Testament, if you went to a prophet, you always carried a gift or an offering. Not because you were trying to "buy" a word or that the prophet was trying to "sell" the word. It was simply out of respect. To honor the "gift" (prophet) that God had given. Remember, it is all about God, not the person. But God did say, " for the worker deserves his wages." Luke 10:07.
The Bible also says, "Give and it shall be given back to you."
"Do you always have a word from the Lord when someone writes in to you?"
ANSWER: 100% percent of the time, YES. Because the Bible says, "that the spirit of a prophet is subject (or to the control) of the prophet." They are the mouthpiece of God to the body of Christ. To tell the people what God is saying to them. When God speaks, it not might always be what we want to hear, but God desires to tell us what He wants us to know about ourselves.
Could you imagine someone asking God to speak to them and God saying, "I don't feel like it" or "I just don't want to." God said in His Word, "if you ask me for bread, I will not give you a stone." In other words, "if you ask me to talk to you, It would be my delight to love all over you by speaking to you."
"It seems as if you're splitting hairs. If you accept money for moving in the gift of God, isn't it really selling, even if you call it by another name?"
Go to a Bible Bookstore, and you will probably pay up to $60.00 dollars for a leather-back Bible. This is selling God's holy Word that is freely given to all. If you ask them to please just give you one of those Bibles, they would say, "Absolutely not." They can't afford to give the Bibles away - they have to pay the printers as well as the rent, the utilities, and the payroll of all their employees so they can keep the bookstore open.
Many years ago when this ministry started, we freely gave prophecy tapes and prophetic teachings to anyone who wrote in to this ministry. Every once in a while, we would receive "love" offerings, but they never even came close to covering the cost of tapes and shipping. We began to learn that many people don't value what they receive for free.
Many say that the gospel is free and spiritual gifts should be given freely. But the gospel was not free - it cost the life of Jesus. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sin and debt. Your salvation likewise is not free; it will cost you everything you are. We exchange this life on earth for life in Heaven.
Dear Jeremy,
This is Candy and I want to take time to write you a thank you note, right at the beginning of this New Year.
I have been receiving prophetic words from you since 2008 and these words of the Lord, absolutely sustained my faith and hope these past 10 years.
Although I have so much hope now, I've had a very hard life. I felt dead most of my life, my faith in God is the only thing that kept me sane and kept me to not committing suicide.
Jeremy, your beyond accurate prophetic words completely sustained me during the darkest 10 years of my life, after my divorce!!
Your prophetic words were the ONLY kind and encouraging words I ever had from anyone for so many years!!
I memorized them, I listened to them constantly and they would revive my soul every time.
They sustained me when I was too broken to hear for myself.
Jeremy, the Lord uses you to restore broken people that sometimes find it too hard to go on. One prophetic word from you is like living water, it can sustain and give life, energy and peace and HOPE for months! I don't have the proper words to thank you for prophesying one on one!! There is no one with a gift as yours!
You are the MOST accurate, discerning, confident prophet, I have ever known.
All the cells in my body, stop what they are doing and are listening in, with full anticipation and joy. My spirit dances, full of the joy of the Lord when I receive a life-giving message straight from the mouth of God! I'm still full of incredible excitement every time I send in for a word of the Lord! Jeremy, me and the countless people I sent to you for refreshment of the soul, love you sincerely and consider you the most important voice in our life! I want to thank you for your exemplary life, for your obedience to walk out the truth and for the courage to be a trailblazer for the body of Christ!
With a very sincere heart,