"And when the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in Him and in Moses His servant." Exodus 14:31 What makes an effective Christian leader today? Is it charisma? Is it ability? Is it communication and oratory skills? God's view of an effective leader has nothing to do with these qualities. They may be a part of an effective leader. However, the core attribute of a Christian leader is his integrity with God and his obedience to follow Him.
All my life I've heard people make up excuses for missing church. Long before funny memes were invented for social media, absentee churchgoers joked about attending "Bedside Baptist," "Church of the Holy Comforter" or "Church of the Inner Springs" to imply that they decided to sleep in on Sunday morning. I'm not going to condemn anyone for taking a week off from church if they are overly tired, going on vacation or hosting company. But today we have a growing subset of Christians who have developed a complex theology of church delinquency.
Sometimes even before the honeymoon is over, it seems "the world, the flesh and the devil" are conspiring to destroy your marriage. Contemporary culture seems especially aligned against long-term healthy marriages. So if you want yours to be the exception, you will need to learn to fight for your marriage. Fighting for your marriage is different than fighting your spouse. You and your spouse are both sinners, but seeing your spouse as the enemy will expedite the deterioration of your relationship. Choose to look behind the frustrations and conflict to the true enemy—Satan and his kingdom of darkness.
If you look at other churches and ministries that grow, you will see that they include the other 5 fold ministry gifts of the Spirit and not just their own. There can be a snare though if they just add them to increase their ministry but don't hear. If they favor one ministry over another, (and these things can be easy to do at times), it is like trying to drive with a square tire instead of a round one! But those who truly seek God will find these ministries drawn to them and they will find friends and messages that balance them and move the ministry forward.
Over the past week the Lord has been speaking to me about redemption and restoration. The Lord showed me so many that are still waiting for circumstances and situations of the past and present to be redeemed and restored. There is a great wind of acceleration that is blowing but it is gaining momentum and these winds are blowing on circumstances and situations to bring about the greatest level of redemption and restoration by the hand of God that you have seen. I felt the Lord wanted me to release this prophetic word and decree over you today, if you are still in the 'waiting' for redemption and restoration of situations and circumstances: "You have entered the season of the greatest demonstration of the power of God to redeem and restore."
I sensed that not only was the Father excited over His own Son's wedding that would soon take place, but He was seemingly beside Himself for the joy of a multitude of long awaited "end-time" weddings that would take place upon the earth, just preceding the greatest wedding in the universe. "Get those six water pots out again and fill them with 'living' water! I've saved the very best wine for last, for these end-time weddings." I saw veils of singleness that had been covering many single men and women for years, in spite of their desire to marry. These veils were actually covering them to protect and hide them from wrong relationships. Many had thought, "What's wrong with me? No one seems to notice me or even look at me."
I have never met an inspiring person who had an easy life. Think about that. Who is someone you look up to? Were they given everything? Did their achievement and character come without hard work? Sacrifice? Suffering? I would venture to say if someone has the ability to pull at your heartstrings, it's because they struggled. I think the animating force behind any group that thrives is the idea that you are not alone. You aren't the only one going through this. Someone has been there before. Someone is there for you now. It's why I love our international sales meetings that happen twice a year.
For you formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, (And) skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained (for me,)When as yet there was not one of them (Psalm 139:13–16 NASU).
In the last issue of the Concepts of Faith, I wrote about the guidance of the Holy Spirit, specifically "knowing." Let's look at four of the ways that we perceive the Holy Spirit's guidance: 1. Knowing (See Concepts of Faith 1st issue 2018) 2. Seeing (Vision) 3. Hearing (Auditory) 4. Feeling (Kinesthetic). The most common experience among Christians is to be led by a "knowing." This could be described as "His Spirit bearing witness with our spirit." Others describe this as "I just had this feeling." Some report, "The Lord spoke to my spirit" or "I heard the Holy Spirit say to me..." Those who perceive guidance visually use terms such as "I saw in my spirit..." or "I just saw what God wanted me to do."
August is going to be a special month, as long-awaited revelation from Heaven will start flowing freely. For many people, there has been a drought in the spiritual realm for a number of months—even years. This is now going to break, and God is going to open the heavens with dreams, visions, prophetic writings, strategies, art, songs and more. All types of creative revelation will start flowing to you. This will start in August and will continue over the next few months. The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord's people. Colossians 1:26 NIV Expect to get deeper revelation and keys to the things you have been seeking God about. Mysteries are going to be revealed that have been hidden away for the strategic season we are now entering. God is going to reveal these things to prepare you for what is coming after September 2018.