The Jesus Mindset in Business by John Garfield

By John Garfield
Imagine moving from a Christian business to a Kingdom business. The former emphasizes the good character and the do-this list to maintain the standing and standards (The conformity is not particularly inspiring). A Kingdom business isn't focused as much on what you are doing, more on what Father is doing and whether we are we doing it with him? It feels like a movement motivated by prophetic purpose, passion, and people! Somehow God is working with us, instead of just watching from Heaven, waiting for the next mistake.
The Jesus Mindset in Business by John Garfield
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Imagine moving from a Christian business to a Kingdom business. The former emphasizes the good character and the do-this list to maintain the standing and standards (The conformity is not particularly inspiring). A Kingdom business isn’t focused as much on what you are doing, more on what Father is doing and whether we are we doing it with him? It feels like a movement motivated by prophetic purpose, passion, and people! Somehow God is working with us, instead of just watching from Heaven, waiting for the next mistake.
Why Does Father Engage?
Thanks to the Barna Group surveys, it’s popular to consider ways to improve employee engagement in our business culture. The more important question that drives employee engagement, “Is Father Engaged in your business?” Is His purpose and presence prominent enough to engage the hearts of your staff?
So, what specifically causes Father to engage in our lives and business and add all these things (Mt 6:33). We’re not charismatic cowboys expecting to run our business on miracles, but we want to invite the King of Glory into our business for His presence, His purpose, and his power. We want the KPI for the impartation of His Courage, Clarity, and Culture. We want our business to be an Ecclesia built around shared Kingdom Purpose. How Lord?
The Jesus Mindset
Father engages with people and business who share His purpose. The genius of Kingdom Business is that purpose is one He already wrote in the desires of your heart. So, Father’s specific direction for you will feel like a dream come true. Your story will suddenly make sense, and your near-term circumstances will flow like a river toward a destiny you champion. Father shares His purpose with us. There is no thin red line between our purpose and His – it’s fun to run a Kingdom business because Father is co-laboring with us and us with Him.
It’s Not Do-It-Yourself
We are not solo entrepreneurs who can do it all, we are sons who have said yes to inheriting the earth and bringing Reformation to People, Businesses, Cities, and Nations. We can see the invitation for our role in His plan. It’s exceedingly and abundantly beyond all we could previously ask or imagine (Eph 3:20). Kingdom Business leaders consciously make room for Father to clarify the purpose and co-labor with us to create the value.
Phil 2:5 – have the same mindset as Christ Jesus…he made himself nothing…
Jn 5:19 – The Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing.
Jn 5:30 – I can do nothing on My own. As I hear (Living Words), I judge; (Make Business Decisions) and My judgment is righteous (on the same page with Father) because I do not seek My own will (Sons know Brokenness Jn 12:24-26) but the will of Him who sent Me. (Sons are sent ones, from the Council).
Why People Engage
Some people and businesses seem to capture the flow; everything seems to work; staff, cash flow, clients, marketing? You smile, a bit enviously, and enjoy the beauty of it and wonder why. What makes it tick?
Intentionally cooperating with what Father is doing on a macro scale and on a daily basis doesn’t just invite God into your business. Your staff and customers will resonate and engage with what you’re doing as well. We’re intentionally creating a movement in our business by flowing with a much larger Kingdom purpose that we can articulate. Here’s a great example.
Tobe Finch runs 14 restaurants via 550 employees which could seem onerous and tiresome. But when he elaborates on his purpose: Clean Local Food and Inspired Hospitality, people suddenly grasp that it’s not about Tobe. He’s a son God appointed to add value to his community. His purpose has a prophetic thread connected to Reformation, Make America Healthy Again.
Yes, something in the machinery or people breaks every day and the chaos must be managed. But the glue that makes it all work is Kingdom purpose. His managers, staff, and community can see the purpose too. The genius of Kingdom is that they share it and feel drawn to it, even called by it. Ecclesia is shared Kingdom Purpose in a business – That’s what makes it tick! That’s why God and His People co-labor to make a business work.
Not a bad strategy, compared to what one person can do in his own strength. Get it?
John Garfield