Neglect Not the Gifts from God by Elaine Tavolacci

By Elaine Tavolacci
The Lord recently reminded me of a prophetic dream that I had several years ago which I had recorded in my journal. As we transition into this new year, and as time moves on, expect a dramatic overhaul in the natural world, as well as an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the supernatural realm. I don't believe that this dream was limited to its original time frame, because prophetic dreams are not bound by time zones. Just like prophetic words, some (but not all) are timeless, and continue to unfold throughout the years.
Neglect Not the Gifts from God by Elaine Tavolacci
5 Ebook Series
By Jeremy Lopez
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The Lord recently reminded me of a prophetic dream that I had several years ago which I had recorded in my journal. As we transition into this new year, and as time moves on, expect a dramatic overhaul in the natural world, as well as an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the supernatural realm. 
I don’t believe that this dream was limited to its original time frame, because prophetic dreams are not bound by time zones. Just like prophetic words, some (but not all) are timeless, and continue to unfold throughout the years. As you read it, ask the Lord to reveal to you what your gifts are and what He has for you in this new year. 
I dreamt that I went into the pediatric unit in a hospital and met a lady who had just given birth to a baby boy. The nurse placed the infant on the table besides the bed. I noticed that the baby bent his knees, turned on his side, and was about to roll off the table. I reached out and caught him before he fell. The mother of the baby didn’t even react or try to catch her own baby.
He appeared to be a healthy baby, and I knew that he was a boy, because he was wearing blue which is also symbolic for Revelation. When I woke up The Lord gave me the interpretation of this Dream. The proper interpretations are crucial. Many believers have become spiritually lethargic, neglecting the gifts that have been imparted to them. They lost their hunger for the things of God.
It’s alarming that many believers are neglecting the valuable gifts that Jesus has given to them. These gifts are meant to empower us and demonstrate Gods kingdom on this earth. It’s the Lord’s intention to use every believer to operate in the supernatural realm. Mark 16:17 - “Signs and wonders will follow them that believe.” 
Don’t allow carnal thinking to get in the way of the supernatural. Don’t let religious dictators stifle the gifts that God has freely given to you. You’ve been created to represent God on this earth. You were called to do the same works that Jesus did.
1 John 2:6 says: He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.
Paul also told Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:14 “Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. Meditate on these things, and give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.” Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:6-7 “Stir up the gift of God, which is in you though the laying on of hands. For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
Some of you have never been used in the gifts of The Holy Spirit yet, but don’t lose heart because the Lord is about to unveil new things to you and those dormant gifts will soon be awakened. He is about to give some of your dreams, and you will know without a doubt that God has spoken to you. He has entrusted these gifts to you, and wants to equip you to bring a radical, life changing encounter to others through you.
He wants to give you prophetic words that will transform people’s lives and bring salvation to the lost. He will revolutionize your thinking, freeing you so that you will trust in His promises, rather than relying on your understanding. He wants you to walk by faith, and not by sight. The glory of the Lord is about to shake up and bring a great awakening to those who appear godly but deny the power of the Holy Spirit. 
The Lord has created each one of you with precision, you are His prized possession. And He's given you gifts. Do not try to impersonate another man or women’s ways or desire their gifts. Each one of you have been created for a particular purpose and plan. Do not neglect the gift that God has given you. He will use you to release words of knowledge to others, to know the secrets of their hearts and prove to them that He is God.
He will release prophetic words through you that will give others direction and confirm what they were called to do. You will see things beyond your natural sight, as He reveals deep and hidden things. He will give you the gift of faith to speak to the mountains and tell them to be cast into the sea. He will give you the gift of healing, and as you lay hands on the sick, they shall recover.
The blind will see, the lame will walk, the leapers will be cleansed, the deaf will hear, the dead will be raised, and the poor will have the gospel preached to them. He will give you the gift of miracles that will shake the nations and raise the dead. He will give you the gift of discerning of spirits so you will have keen discernment and recognize the tactics of the enemy.
He will give you the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues so you will understand what The Holy Spirit is saying to the people and interpret His Words. Your gifts and callings are unique and have been exclusively designed for you alone. Everything in your life has been created and designed for whom he has called you to be. 
Your personality, your character and your physical appearance is all engrafted into what you were called to do. This is a new season. This is the time to come up higher. Be led by the Holy Spirit and awaken to the plans and purposes of the Lord. Amen
Elaine Tavolacci