Finding Peace in Turbulent Times by Becky Harling

By Becky Harling
This past week, I discovered a fascinating place in the ocean's depths known as "the cushion of the sea." No matter the chaos above, this underwater sanctuary remains undisturbed. I find that so beautiful! Especially after two weeks of hurricanes, it's comforting to imagine that beneath those raging waters lies a realm of complete calm and tranquility. As I reflect on the cushion of the sea, it paints a vivid picture of how our souls can remain steady amid life's storms. God's peace serves as a soft cushion for our hearts in turbulent times.
Finding Peace in Turbulent Times by Becky Harling
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This past week, I discovered a fascinating place in the ocean’s depths known as “the cushion of the sea.” No matter the chaos above, this underwater sanctuary remains undisturbed. I find that so beautiful! Especially after two weeks of hurricanes, it’s comforting to imagine that beneath those raging waters lies a realm of complete calm and tranquility.
As I reflect on the cushion of the sea, it paints a vivid picture of how our souls can remain steady amid life’s storms. God’s peace serves as a soft cushion for our hearts in turbulent times. It transcends human understanding and often defies logic. Yet, it offers a safe haven where we can find rest until the tempests pass. The Apostle Paul beautifully describes this peace in Philippians 4:7, calling it the peace that surpasses all understanding.
The Psalmist echoes this sentiment in Psalm 46:3-4: “Though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging, there is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” There exists a place of calm where the Most High dwells, inviting us to experience His peace. This leads us to ponder: What does that peace feel like? How can we access it during turbulent times?
Peace manifests as a deep quietness within our souls, reminding us that we can trust God to keep us safe. We may not feel happiness; we may even be in pain, but there is a profound assurance that our souls rest securely in His care.
How Do We Access That Peace?
Become Intimately Acquainted with the Prince of Peace. The prophet Isaiah foretold the coming of Christ, referring to Him as “the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). He is both the giver and sustainer of our peace, inviting us to rest in His sovereign control. During turbulent times, it’s an ideal moment to deepen our relationship with Him. Study His character, praise Him, and spend time in prayer. The more we get to know Him, the more His peace will wash over our souls. Focus on His goodness and give thanks for all He is.
In Your Doubt, Cry Out for His Help. Often, we struggle to fully trust that Jesus will keep us safe. When doubt creeps in, we might feel guilty for not trusting enough, which only exacerbates our turmoil. What do we do when we’re unsure of His faithfulness? We can echo the cry of the man seeking healing for his son: “Lord, I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). Jesus won’t scold you; instead, He’ll empower you to greater faith. He will speak to your doubts, commanding, “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39).
Listen to Worship Music. Music has a unique ability to comfort us; it’s why we often sing lullabies to soothe babies. Scripture tells us that God sings over us to bring us peace (Zephaniah 3:17). Imagine, in your moments of anxiety, God singing you a lullaby! I’ve found that when chaos and stress invade my life, turning to worship music calms my soul. Worship not only reminds us of God’s mighty character, but the melodies themselves have a soothing effect.
Friend, these are tumultuous times, yet a cushion of peace is available for your soul. I’m praying for you as I write. Please let me know how I can pray specifically for you. May the Prince of Peace provide the comfort that your heart longs for.
Becky Harling