The Power of Application by Randy Gladden

By Randy Gladden
Moses is preparing the people to finally appropriate what God had promised for so long.  Ahead lay great blessings, but also intimidating challenges. In Deuteronomy 31.3 he gives them guidance for the journey with three aspects:  God Himself goes before you.  He will give you victory over every challenge.  And you will possess it. The first two give the assurance of His leading and victory.  But the last portion is a reminder of our responsibility to possess what God has provided.
The Power of Application by Randy Gladden
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Moses is preparing the people to finally appropriate what God had promised for so long.  Ahead lay great blessings, but also intimidating challenges.
In Deuteronomy 31.3 he gives them guidance for the journey with three aspects:  God Himself goes before you.  He will give you victory over every challenge.  And you will possess it.
The first two give the assurance of His leading and victory.  But the last portion is a reminder of our responsibility to possess what God has provided.
To possess or inherit is an active involvement in authoritatively seizing what God is providing.  It emphasizes our role, in partnership with God.
Elena realized how important it was to apply it.  She has been facing setbacks, resistance and even some personal attacks in her business endeavor.
While we were talking, she quickly grasped the value and immediately responded with the application.  “I bring the problem to the Lord.  I am faithful to the direction He gives, and He brings the victory.”
We take the challenge by faith to the Lord with the expectation that He will lead and go before us by giving direction specific to the issue.  As we are faithful to respond to that direction, He brings about a breakthrough outcome greater and more perfect than we can envision.
Rather than struggling to find and bring resolution, Elena’s responsibility was to approach Him with the confidence that He would lead and direct her.  And His victory would result.
One of the great disconnects is people of the kingdom, who believe and desire to see God’s power released into situations, but then failing to recognize and bring the application. 
Increasingly Spiritual maturity comes with the recognition of our responsibility to possess what God provides through the power of application.  The realization that in our partnership with God, each plays a specific role.
God wants to show Himself strong on our behalf, but He has delegated the responsibility to possess His promises and blessings to us.
Recognize that God goes before you into the challenge, great or small, leading the way.  He defeats every challenge, giving us complete victory.  But it is our responsibility to seize it by His direction.
Randy Gladden