How do You See Yourself? by Kristi Lemley

By Kristi Lemley
Have you ever thought about Andrew, one of the twelve disciples? Andrew is mentioned in the Bible twelve times and four of those times it was in a list as a disciple. There are six times Andrew is described as Peter's brother. So over half of the time, he is not known for himself, but in relation to someone else. After Pentecost, we do not hear another word about Andrew. The interesting point of the story is that Andrew met Jesus first and actually introduced Peter to Jesus as the Messiah (John 1:41). When Peter declared Jesus as the Christ, Jesus stated that the Church would be founded on his revelation that came from God (Matt 16:13-20). But wait, Andrew said it first.
How do You See Yourself? by Kristi Lemley
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Have you ever thought about Andrew, one of the twelve disciples? Andrew is mentioned in the Bible twelve times and four of those times it was in a list as a disciple. There are six times Andrew is described as Peter’s brother. So over half of the time, he is not known for himself, but in relation to someone else. After Pentecost, we do not hear another word about Andrew.
The interesting point of the story is that Andrew met Jesus first and actually introduced Peter to Jesus as the Messiah (John 1:41). When Peter declared Jesus as the Christ, Jesus stated that the Church would be founded on his revelation that came from God (Matt 16:13-20). But wait, Andrew said it first.
What does this mean and why does this matter? Andrew was vital to Jesus and the spread of Christianity. Yet, from the world’s perspective, he appears insignificant. There was only one scripture he is listed without his brother (John 12:22). Even though not much is known about Andrew or any other mention after being in the upper room, he was not insignificant.
The world’s way is that if you are known, then you are important. You must be good enough and then prove your worth. You are identified as being successful if you have a big church, lots of money, or title at the office. Success is often predicated upon numbers, likes, followers, listeners, or any other numerical method that “confirms” achievement.
Yet, in God’s kingdom, significance is assigned while each of us is being formed in our mother’s womb. The cross reveals the love that is for us and deems us worthy to be called sons and daughters. We are reminded in John 15:16 with the words of Jesus, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last." Obscurity does not diminish worth or value. God sees each one of us. He is El Roi.
Andrew was not given much attention or affirmation in scripture. Does this make him any less important to God? Absolutely not! The question isn’t how do others see you, but how do you see yourself? Are you looking at your worth and value through the lens of the world or God’s eyes? Paul states in Romans 12 that we are all apart of one body. We all have different functions, but every part is useful and needed. In God’s eyes, you are significant and valuable, not only on what you do, but who you are−a disciple of Jesus.
Be faithful in all that God calls you to do. Pay little attention to affirmation or significance from the world. Focus on keeping your heart pure before the Lord. Are you being obedient? Keep heaven’s perspective at the forefront on your thinking. Jesus left the ninety-nine to go find the one. Maybe you are called to find the one. Do not discount what the Lord asks you to do. Learn to be content right where you are.
Andrew remained faithful to the call on his life. He did not discount his worth or success based on what others said. His last words as he was bound on the cross were, “O cross most welcome and long anticipated! I come to you with a willing mind, with joy and desire. Since I am a follower and a student of the One who died on you. I have always loved you and sought to embrace you.” This doesn’t sound like a man who felt overlooked, invisible, or insignificant. But one who kept his focus on the giver of life and decided that only God could define him.
Dr. Kristi Lemley