Creative Word or Prophecy by Apostle Tim and Theresa Early

By Tim Early
Creative Word or Prophecy

 Apostle Tim and Theresa Early


In this discussion I would like to describe or ascribe Creative Word VS Prophecy as the principle of proper context and usage, the two important distinctions or aspects of the whole of what God is revealing. I am reminded how that Solomon moved in the wisdom of God to declare the dividing of the child into two, one half to one mother, and the other half to the other.... Solomon was not going to kill the child... Rather, what Solomon was doing was revealing through wisdom that one was the true Mother, the other was the SMOTHER, notice the difference of mother and smother, a mother beginning with the letter S... follow me for a moment please...thanks

The creative word carries a great element of the prophetic, but the creative word we are relating to here is the spoken word of the Lord in His revealing {Genesis 1}, in His set time to decree and declare on a level of faith that the matter is done deal, prophetic in anointing, but coming forth from the realm of HIS unlimited glory... O boy, don't stone me...

The anointing is powerful, that which we receive while on earth through the Christos, but before there was the anointing {Chrisma}, there was the GLORY of the Lord, Jesus the WORD in his pre-ordained, pre- fixed, pre-existing self. In that realm there is something most profound than just being anointed, for the Christ is living from the glory of God the Father...The anointing to prophecy is wonderful, but there is a realm of glory that is not entirely restricted as just being anointed as often alluded to, but it is the Ancient paths of old, the mind of the Lord in a matter which simply speaks without thus saith the Lord, the creative nature of God in a whole new dimensional way. It is an authority set by the Spirit to reveal and release a creative word, and carries a great level of brokenness and humility within the servant leader who speaketh {had to put the "ETH" it, lol}...

Prophecy assuredly involves the speaking forth of the oracles, counsel, will. and mind of God {Greek definitions}. And when we go to the basis of the discussion of the creative word, we are returning back to the Elohim principle of Genesis 1, one God, many natures. Let me go further for a moment please...

In Genesis 1, the primary nature and revealing of the Father is God, creator, the prefix in the EL. In chapter 2 of Genesis, we see the Lord resting on the 7th day, and according to scripture the works were finished it said. Concerning the LORD God, now Jehovah Elohim on the 7th day, not alone ascribed or highlighted as Elohim. No mentioning of the Jah {aspect of His nature} in Genesis 1...although all of GOD in glory is within the Elohim, whether mentioned in verbatim or not. Just looking at the context and usage here...

In Genesis 2, God is now the Lord God, Lord of creation, another nature and revealing of HIM who is altogether lovely or ONE-Der-FULL. God is always Himself wherever he shows up if you will. Genesis 1 reveals mostly His creative nature, and in chapter 2 He is revealed as Lord of creation, the creative Jah that rested on the 7th day.

It reminds me when folks randomly or generalize the borrowed and chosen statement, "God is Good, all the time!" Well, not all the time. Sometimes it is not a matter of wanting his goodness or needing it, but more deeply in receiving his mercy in any given area. We need them both, but the principle has to do in part with context and usage, how the Lord chooses to reveal such aspects of HIS divine nature. He is good all of the time, YES, and merciful forevermore, yes. But there is a time when the Lord is revealing His dealings more in the context of mercy than in the context of goodness.

What I am aiming for here is that God does not have to prophecy as we do, or at all. Why should he? For he just simply speaks as in Genesis 1. And God saw, God said, etc. Nothing to hint that the spoken and creative word was strictly prophetic in the context as we often deem prophetic, but it does take an element of the prophetic dimension to flow in this unfolding glory of speaking creative words outside the box of Charismatic or institutionalized thinking... Therefore, you can separate the two in context and usage, or in distinctive and aspects of God's dealings with the sons of men.

What I am getting out of this is a prophetic picture of the fullness of the church assaulting the heavens and invading the heavenlies with the manifold wisdom of God according to Ephesians 3. The church is arising to a new level or dimension and frontier {What's a frontier? Well, we have a left ear, a right ear, and a Front-ear, or frontier, lol}. I believe some key present truth prophets across the earth are moving in measures experimentally of the wool hair and hoary head of the Lord, the Ancient of Days, in spats and trickles here and there, a prelude to the fullness of what the church is coming into corporately, Fullness..Ephesians 3:19... until you won't know where God begins and where you, Alpha and Omega, the 1-800 of God...

I strongly believe if the corporate Christ, the many- membered SON, would arise and declare and decree as the Lord gives Utterance, collectively in faith and in WISDOM, in His set timing, that we can create a new world, a new atmosphere that will become unprecedented, un-chartered territory, a new rhythm and dimension of grace and glory that even prophecy itself would be swallowed up into.

Yes and amen, it takes a level of the prophetic to release the Ancient paths of Jeremiah 6:16, for in those paths before there was a problem there was a solution, before you and me were ever sick we are and were healed, before there was ever a war the battle was won.

There is a dimensional shifting taking place in the earth, and in the church as we know it. Some prophets and prophetic people have already tapped into a rhythm that may spark controversy for now, and in how they perceive or dispense the prophetic dimension, but together in uniting principle, and in HIS oneness, there shall resound a release of the presence and streams of the Lord in the earth that will highlight and amplify corporate prophecy in its place, but shall ultimately reveal that the Lord has had it altogether from the beginning, from the start, that nothing escapes him, or is out of kilter with him, and that God does not waste or make mistakes -He is on time at all times, for He is out of time and inhabits eternity.

Dr. Tim and Theresa Early - Servant Leadership

FAP International - Foundation of Apostles and Prophets
