Authority Over Anxiety by Bill Click

By Bill Click
Recently, it became clear the Lord was revealing that anxiety (the spirit of the age) wants to subvert your constant, current connection with God's peace & progress in the Spirit. God wants you free & Jesus fully paid for you to live in liberty. Anxiety is dangerous; we know that it's detrimental to life in every way. That said: we tend to look at everything about just how it impacts us personally, but there is a greater issue at stake. Anxiety causes you to dishonor God, because it "exalts itself against" what the Lord says, wants, is doing & has prepared for us to receive, believe & see established. And it has various manifestations.
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Recently, it became clear the Lord was revealing that anxiety (the spirit of the age) wants to subvert your constant, current connection with God's peace & progress in the Spirit. God wants you free & Jesus fully paid for you to live in liberty.
Anxiety is dangerous; we know that it's detrimental to life in every way. That said: we tend to look at everything about just how it impacts us personally, but there is a greater issue at stake. Anxiety causes you to dishonor God, because it "exalts itself against" what the Lord says, wants, is doing & has prepared for us to receive, believe & see established. And it has various manifestations. Possible examples:
If You have Found Yourself:
  • Doing too many things at once & finding yourself thwarted by mishaps, mistakes & sabotage (so don't rebuke the devil for living excessively multi-tasked!)
  • Going 'at it' too long at a time & getting exhausted, yet finding no satisfactory outcome (don't violate God's way of daily living for the sake of urgencies, or expect to be able to continually overcrowd your life with activity).
  • Unable to see a separation in your thought & activity life from one day to the next (we can't expect to rest & be recharged if we are always focused on moving on to what is yet to arrive or take place).
  • Falling into the trap that says: 'when I can get this done, I will spend time with God & take care of me & also be with others (only to find that the 'list' gets longer, peace is nowhere to be found & the prospects you are hoping for move even further away). 
Those & many more 'symptoms' make you a candidate for being set free from anxiety & getting restored to God's peace in this area.
Win Now
I sense that I must exhort you to win now. If you fail to defeat anxiety by what Jesus purchased for you, that is already been paid for, then you will likely suffer from:
  • Massive faith depletion (alienation from God in spirit & soul).
  • Excessive cortisol levels which deplete your soul & body (from continual adrenalin overloads).
  • Become unable to worship & meditate on God's Word.
  • Develop the inability to enter the realm of the Spirit to function in relational, priestly, petitionary & intercessory prayer,
  • Have (or find an increase of) needs for medication which make sensitivity to the Spirit extremely trepidacious (if not impossible) and…
  • Relegate 'going to church' or ministering as the time you find hope for repair fleeting, instead of gathering with other anointed vessels to worshipfully honor the Lord & see Him release anointings & revelation for restoration & further progress further into destiny for His glory. 
Please hear my heart, this is not coming to you from an attitude or feeling of superiority. If you think that I/we don't encounter such issues in moments, then God bless you, how we wish it were true! When I look back over my life, I am surprised by how much it was present & I just accepted it as part of the picture. So this is not coming to you from my/our sense of failure, but instead from the Lord's victorious sufficiency.
Good News
That said, I am finding that, particularly in this season, there is so much so unsettled in & around so many lives that what is unsettled within many is  erupting involuntarily. This will bring a condemnation to you by either religious self-talk or demonic accusation that you are without self-control. And that tries to prove your disqualification from what God has for you in His Kingdom. That's a lie, no matter the source.
Good News! Jesus has already paid for your victory in this area and will meet the need as you rise into His presence. Hallelujah!
But look at it as it is. Obedience to God (which releases your progress) requires you to get free and establish victorious living over this 'spirit of the age.'
Be reminded: It is the enemy who is more anxiety ridden than you. Hell is so absolutely terrified you will get fully established in what God has, that it is at work overtime. Hell attempts to convince you that you must put up with excessive striving, worrying, 'what-if'ing, & opting for fleshly strategies which God will not empower (those which only drive you farther downward).  
Break anxiety in the Name of Jesus, send it back where it came from and walk in freedom and liberty. Do it now.
Use the Spiritual arsenal God gave you. Praise Him, honor Him, obey what He has led you to do you have not yet followed thru on, and "build yourself up in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keeping yourself in the love of God"
Bill Click