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As I was looking out my bedroom window one morning following the stay-in-home order set by the governor and mayor in my city and state of Wilmington, Delaware, I began to look up at the sky, and suddenly I had a vision. As I looked through the window, I saw the word "creativity" in front of my eyes and imprinted in my vision. I was instantly taken to Genesis 1:1, where it says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." We can see that God is the Creator of creativity. He is the originator of creativity.
Holy Spirit drew me into a time of prayer concerning the pandemic and the groanings across the earth. That which is being shaken is beyond a virus and even a governmental crisis. It is God's heart for all of creation and the eternal destinies of peoples and nations that He wants to awaken deep within our souls. The Lord says: Now is the time for a reckoning of souls and dividing of hearts. My people have been ridiculed, mocked and derided long enough! I am acting on the prayers of the saints, both past and present, for that which is happening upon the earth. Yes, even the cloud of witnesses is joining in this call for justice to roll like thunder!
Back in March when the COVID-19 crisis erupted, the U.S. government created a website called "coronavirus rumor control." It was an attempt to squash some of the bizarre theories people were hearing, including the bogus idea that the National Guard was being dispatched, with machine guns and tanks, to force everyone to stay inside their homes. This rumor about martial law kept spreading—like a virus, of course—and it spawned more conspiracy theories. People posted their fears on social media.
"(Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer.)" 1 Samuel 9:9 KJV Throughout history, mankind has longed to better understand the dimensions of the spiritual realms, and for as long as man has walked upon Planet Earth, the Spirit has revealed Himself in many, various ways - through many various people. In this modern time of ours, it seems there's an interest in the prophetic as never before. As a lifelong student of prophecy, I'm thankful to see such a renewed interest in the things of God as men and women, just like you, are coming to a greater understanding of what it truly means to prophesy.
For as he thinks within himself, so he is. Proverbs 23:7, NASB Be encouraged to know that you don't have to be afraid of the battles in your mind. Jesus said, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).Based on God's Word, right believing is the key that unlocks the treasures of God in your life, giving you access to the fullness of His love, grace, favor, blessings, and forgiveness. Jesus has already paid the price on Calvary's hill. The hindrance then between you and your victory is your wrong beliefs. The battle has to do with your beliefs.
Help is on the way! The Lord is moving powerfully on your behalf and is releasing new hope from Heaven. Watch for your strength and clarity to increase starting this month. "On the day when I act," says the Lord Almighty, "they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them °" Malachi 3:17 NIV As Passover and Easter ended, there has been more activity in the Courts of Heaven than I have seen in a long time. Satan's plans to keep people from meeting together backfired. Now the Lord is moving to bring healing, financial repayment and blessings.
I woke up from a dream at the beginning of this year where the cleansing of vessels was a symbolic act for the purification process for awakening the church. In this dream, the Scripture verse from Daniel 2:22 was being announced over a microphone from the platform of a religious gathering. "He reveals the deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him" (Dan. 2:22).
Christ's light shining in and through the Believer causes him or her to be highlighted, promoted and favored. Like Esther, who chose to take the path less trodden and waltzed into the king's corridor and won the favor of all, we are chosen and set apart. The Christ within us emboldens our spirit to believe for the impossible. Christ ignites our faith, so that we move in great faith. We are enabled to discover and trust in God's powerful, transcendent ways. The more we trust, the more we allow God's love to flow through us.
We sat down to eat fish tacos on top of the mattress box in the middle of our living room. We are still getting settled in, but the makeshift table worked great. Before we could take a bite, a fire truck zoomed up in front of our neighbor's house. There wasn't a fire, so we assumed it was paramedic services. We stood by the window, red flashing lights pouring into the living room, and wondered what sort of tragedy might be occurring on the other side of the road. We never found out.
The first day of Iyar, the second month on the Hebrew calendar was Thursday April 23 at sundown. It was in this month that the Israelites after being released from Egypt, and having passed through the Red Sea they began to journey into the wilderness. Here they began to see and understand that God is their Healer and Provider. God was trying to change their mindset from that of a slave in Egypt to a child of God positioned for His promises to them.