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Fear is the opposite of faith, and faith and trust are interchangeable. I remember living in fear. I was afraid of storms, vehicle breakdowns and driving over a bridge with water underneath. I would fear medical ailments and financial uncertainty. I cried out to the Lord for years for a faith impartation. Every conference I went to and in my prayer time, I would ask the Lord to activate my faith. I was tormented and frankly quite done living in fear. I'm sure some of you feel that way too! I am passionate now about assisting others to freedom from fear because, as I say, freedom feels good!
There are some people that can do extraordinary things, I have seen it. If you have an internet connection you can see it also. The internet and television are flooded with them. While the bar is getting set higher and higher for people to make it with their gifts and talents, because of all the people out there who are gifted it is still important to do what you are gifted to do no matter who thinks it has value or not. Most of our talents and giftings are God-given and God wants to see us step out and use them to make the world a better place. So, one can say it is each person's calling to use the gifts God gave them.
God is releasing NEW BEGINNINGS in people's lives. I know you can experience that new beginning. No season is permanent. God is a God of restoration, forgiveness, healing and He is amazing at making all things new. Maybe you need a new beginning in different ways. Maybe you have been going through a difficult season fighting spiritual warfare. Or maybe there has been a relationship conflict in your life. Or maybe you need some circumstances to shift and change. Or maybe you have been struggling with the flesh and need a fresh cleansing by the blood of Jesus.
God gives us all the spiritual knowledge we seek after, but He also gives us His knowledge concerning all matters. We mature in the knowledge of God first and foremost by reading and studying His Word. We also develop in the knowledge of God through our own individual adventures with Him. The knowledge of God is vital to our sanctification and transformation. Jesus established His essentialness to the Believer: You shall know the Truth (the living person of Jesus Christ; the logos and rhema Word of God that produces the image of God; the foundation of creation; the One who brings us into the center of God's purpose), and the Truth shall set you free (John 8:32).
Although many changes are happening in the world today, we can be encouraged to know that God does not change. In my time of prayer, God wanted me to encourage you today from Ecclesiastes 3:1-10. Verse one says, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." The writer in Ecclesiastes prophetically speaks of what we are experiencing in the world today. It explains the different seasons for which we are experiencing. It seems, as of now, we have truly been experiencing a season of death, break downs, weeping, mourning, refraining from embracing, losing things, rending, hating and war. This year has been challenging and straining for us all.
The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11 Beloved, never forget that "the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.... but time and chance happen to them all." God wants you to have the right timing—His timing, and nothing is left to chance because you are God's child. Psalm 37:23 says, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." You are that "good man" because you are the righteousness of God in Christ (see 2 Cor. 5:21).
I have made it a priority to study about love in the Word of God. Getting a revelation about how much God loves me and learning to receive His love has been life-changing for me. It's been the key to being able to really enjoy my life because when I received God's love, then I could love others. And I've discovered that the best wayâ°"the only wayâ°"you can have a happy, powerful life is to get your mind off yourself and do something for someone else. Helping people, being a blessing and adding value to other people's lives is what it means to walk in love and follow the example of Jesus.
A few Saturdays ago I woke up fairly early and went on my walk at the park. As I began to walk I asked the Lord to lead me by His Spirit, that I would pray according to His heart, not mine and His plan, not mine. I committed to just pray in the spirit knowing that the Holy Spirit is the revealer of truth and He would sound in me the profound and bottomless things of God according to 1 Corinthians 2:9. As I was finishing up my last mile I heard these words rise up in my spirit, "You have entered into a new season. It's a season of reaping because of the weeping." I recall thinking, "Was that me??" and then I heard it again, "A season of reaping because of the weeping!"
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32 KJV) What is "truth," and how do we get there?" It may seem like such a simple question at first glance, but if you've ever stopped to wonder, you've found that the answer may not always be so simple. I'm so thrilled to announce the release of my brand new book Beliefs: Make You or Break You, as well as the accompanying workbook. The complete bundle package is available now worldwide. It's truly a book unlike any other. As I'm sure you're well aware, beliefs are powerful. Jesus taught that we will be given exactly what we believe. He said that if we have faith and do not doubt, literally nothing shall be impossible for us!
Venturing into the unknown is hard because you never know what you are going to face! All Christians and just everyday people have to do it to some degree, but prophets especially do. I have had some experiences where I am more reticent on some things than I was before. There are places in my life where I wanted to learn and even be mentored some and ended up meeting the devil. Some of you will understand that. But guess what, God was still there, even if not in the form that I wanted Him in. And as imagining people (which we all are) and as prophetic people (and if Christ is in you, so is some of that because He is all things that He gives out), we have to be prepared and understand that every soldier goes through boot camp.