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"To whom He presented Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, appearing to them for forty days, and speaking concerning the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:3). For several days, I kept hearing the Lord say, "I've got something up My sleeve." I said, "Lord, what is it?" He said, "Only those who are close enough to Me, leaning against My breast, hearing My heartbeat and leaning on My everlasting arms, will see what it is. My people have heard from CNN, Fox News, NBC, MSNBC, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. It is high time they hear from Me."
This is a Christmas season like no other—in a year like no other! Even though most of us won't have the whole family gathered at one table this year, our heavenly Father is holding a place at the Lord's table for each of us! A few years ago, I had a prophetic vision where I saw the Table of the Lord—a huge table that went on for eternity—and the Lord was sitting at the head of the table. Most of the Christians were standing around with their hands out in front of them like butlers or servants ready to serve the King. But the Father was inviting them to sit at the table as sons and daughters! This is happening right now.
As I inquired of the Lord about the coming year 2021, He reminded me of a dream I had many years ago. In the dream an angel appeared and announced 3 arched gateways with 3 Names of the Lord. Upon awakening from the dream, I could not recall the names, until today. I dreamed I woke up to a dark room and saw a small diamond radiating with the Light of the Lord. It rested in the white crumbled sheets of my King-sized bed. I'm excited & I pick it up & place it in my right hand. Then another, another and another one appears. They just keep coming and coming! I keep picking them up until I have a whole pile of them in my hand, the size of a big softball. I'm excited and God is also excited!
I heard Father say, "A fresh release of The Scribal Anointing® falling upon youth and young adults between the ages of 13 and 24." If you are leading prophetic scribes in this hour, be purposely attentive and mindful of the creativity and uniqueness of young people who are being pulled toward technological innovation. There is a group emerging with genius thought and savant insight in some overlooked and uncommon technological areas in the local congregation. The Lord is positioning them as catalysts to revolutionize our understanding of media in the congregation and pioneer in new technologies in our day in "the scribal realm."
I have a grandson who is almost eighteen months old. Since he was born, I have said these words to him, "You are a child of the Most High God. You are blessed and highly favored. You are full of faith, hope, and love. You are bold and courageous. Everything you need to succeed you already have inside you." These are words I want him to grow up believing about himself. Why? Because what you believe, you will become. This is true of me, and it is true of you. In this article, I want you to know and believe you have everything you need inside of you.
My friend, Barbara, who lives in northeast Georgia, had a vivid dream back in August. In the dream she was decorating her home for Christmas. She knew it was December. She was stringing lights and placing pine boughs and candles on shelves. She was also setting several tables with plates and silverware, in expectation of a big gathering. At the close of the dream she took a big cake out of a box and set it on a table. The cake had big letters on it, in icing, that said, "REJOICE." The dream ended when she put the cake on the table. When she woke up she knew the Lord was telling her clearly: "You will rejoice in December."
Rivers are symbolic of the Holy Spirit. We see that Jesus referred to the Spirit as "rivers of living water." What are some characteristics of a river? One of the main attributes I think of is that it is water that continually flows. It is not dammed up or limited. It flows from source higher than itself. Many rivers come from ice capped mountains or from rain. The common theme is that the waters always come from a high place. How we need the water that only heaven can give! One of the places I love to visit is the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Water flows from the top of the mountains as the ice melts creating beautiful and strong current rivers.
I'll never forget the first time I experienced the prophetic anointing. I was a freshman in college. We were having a prayer meeting in one of the dorm rooms. As we were holding hands in a circle praying, it felt like someone threw a blanket over my head. The feeling was so real I opened my eyes. There was no blanket, but I still felt the sensation. I was experiencing a prophetic mantle for the first time. As I looked around the room I knew things about each person. As I shared what God was showing me, each one was deeply ministered to as God spoke to the secrets of their hearts.
"Taste and see that The LORD is good. Blessed is the man that trusts in Him and makes his abode in Him." Psalm 34:8 The one and only thing that can make a man truly alive is to have Me live My life through him. My Will being done through a life brings the greatest fulfillment and satisfaction. Once a person comes to that place of total dependence upon the LORD, they come to the place of total protection and power over their life. I give them the Power and Authority to bind the enemy's plans from happening and to loose the plan of the LORD.
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 It is the Lord's manifested presence, His glorious power working in your heart and through your hands that will cause everything you touch to prosper with the Jesus-kind of results. In fact, even your harshest critic will have to conclude that the Lord is with you and is prospering the work of your hands!