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Your anointing has made me strong and mighty. "You've empowered my life for triumph by pouring fresh oil over me." (Psalm 92:10 TPT) The Lord is moving right now to bring greater anointing, power and strength to you. Get ready for an outpouring of refreshment. I keep hearing the words, "outpouring, outpouring, outpouring!" Watch for the Lord to bring changes and shift you strategically into a new alignment and timing. You are not ahead, not behind but right on time. What seemed like delays and setbacks were necessary to prepare you for the season you are now entering.
Many women's lives are saturated with busyness, interactions, relationships, social media and the expectations of others. However, all the busyness in the world doesn't guarantee that a woman will never be lonely. Loneliness is simply feeling as if no one sincerely cares about you or is interested in your life beyond surface interactions. It is assuming that nobody desires to listen to your thoughts or quietly understand what is going on in the recesses of your heart. If loneliness is not recognized and lovingly healed, it will certainly be the precursor to depression. And when loneliness and depression join forces in a woman's life, it can be a lethal combination of poisonous warfare. Your spiritual enemy has a strategy for how to defeat you.
The world's problems, and those in our personal lives, can cause us to feel discouraged these days and perhaps somewhat depressed. I don't know about you, but this has been a very difficult time health-wise for many friends, my family and myself. When stress of the unknown suddenly presses in, it is challenging to keep a Christlike mindset. Sometimes, our confessions can become rote and meaningless. Hope deferred can truly make the heart sick, as God's Word says (Prov. 13:12).
Carnal tenacity is something we've all grown up with. We know within ourselves that when we want something, we can get it if we push ourselves hard enough. However, when it comes to spiritual tenacity, it's a different story. The Bible tells us not to become lukewarm Christians. Yet in my years of experience, I have found people sway from being hot to cold. One moment, they're on fire for God. and the next, they are angry with Him and have walked away. We may not be disciplined in spiritual tenacity simply because the natural man does not understand; it is only the spiritual man that understands.
Recently I have been hearing the words in my spirit: "for the set time to favor her has come." God sets the timing for favor to be released, according to His purposes for specific seasons. The body of Christ is being established now and positioned by God into a new sphere of supernatural favor to accomplish His plan and His will in the season ahead. The enemy is counteracting with fierce warfare against the people of God and we can easily miss the movement that is breaking us out by becoming distracted by our personal warfare!
The main reason the King's Heart is filled with Joy is you! He rejoices in your strength & salvation found only inside of Himself. The king shall have joy in Your strength, O Lord; And in Your salvation how greatly shall He rejoice! Psalm 21:1 NKJV Take comfort for in times of grief, sorrow & mourning, that God has anointed you with the Oil of Gladness and He has covered you with Everlasting Joy.
The meaning of "ancient paths" is that the Lord is going to give you understanding into the things you are called to. Ancient paths can also be things you are called to from your generational line. This is what the Lord says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16 NIV The Lord is going to bring about some changes and you will find yourself at a major crossroad. This process includes the Lord helping you make decisions. Watch for divine understanding as you pray.
There is one verse that you have heard many times, and maybe you have even used this verse to 'explain away' the situations that we cannot comprehend. As I pray today, I urge you to consider that just maybe we have looked at the verse improperly and caused our own walk to be void of the wisdom and power of God. Isaiah 55: 8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord..." Oh yes, the universal "I don't know, nor do I have to attempt to figure out the matter at hand" because I am not God. Sounds fair, yes?

We are in the season called Purim on the Hebrew calendar. This is a time to remember the story in the book of Esther (in the Holy Bible) of how an enemy of God sought to oppress God's people and to wipe them off the face of the earth. It was at this time that God raised up a woman, her name was Esther, to step in and bring an end to the evil plan. God would use Esther's voice and her actions, walked out in humility, to influence the King of that nation, helping him to see and understand the plan of the enemy.
Part and parcel to any relationship is communication - sending and receiving, talking and listening. Our relationships with God are no different. It's of no debate that God wants to hear our voices. But Jesus revealed that God also wants us to hear His. "My sheep hear My voice," He assured (John 10:27, ESV). Unless you live on a farm, most today are far removed from what it actually means for sheep to know their master's voice. In a recent online Bible study on Hearing God, I played a short video clip that profoundly illustrates what happens.