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God is calling you to be a mighty warrior. The world we live in is not for the faint of heart. We must stand in our position as sons and daughters of Christ, finding our strength in Him, to have an impact. It can seem easier to sit back and say "I am trusting God" from our armchairs than to take up our weapons and fight for the kingdom of heaven. As I was sitting with the Lord, He began to speak about this issue. The Lord says, "You do not have to stand like a child, covering your ears as the enemy hurls insults at you. Uncover your ears and listen, listen for Abba's voice.
When I first came to the Lord at age 19, I remember asking the Lord to restore my heart and mind as I was laying hands on myself in the place of prayer. Knowing that I had come out of a lot of stuff in the world I knew that I needed a refreshing and renewing of my soul in every way. Have you ever been tempted? Of course, you have. We can all be tempted in many ways. You can be tempted to do so many things that are outside the sphere of God's plan for your life. Outside of the most obvious of sins - you may be tempted to complain, to hate, to be rude or many other things.
Last weekend after I spoke at a church in Jacksonville, Florida, a young woman came to the altar to ask for prayer. She had heard me share how Jesus wants us to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can have the boldness to share the gospel - and so that we can experience all the Spirit's miraculous power when we minister to others. This woman was a bit shy, but after I prayed for her, she began to speak in tongues for the first time. It was a new experience for her, but she wants all God has for her. Her fears didn't keep her from claiming something new from God. Her life was changed in that moment.
God calls weak and tender people to do His work. Many will try to play that down, challenge them, and even expect them to be like God in all His power, even invincible. They will even provoke them. But He says that His Strength is made perfect in weakness. And the faith that is required to believe will be exalted. It's part of the maturing process. Attacks will happen. And they will be exposed for what they are because Light in its strength will shine on the darkness and expose it for what it is!
In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul is talking about prayer armor. In verses 10-11 he says, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Notice Paul did not say, "Be strong in your own might," but "in the Lord." It is His might. It is not something we have to work up to. We must simply be obedient and be clothed in His might. Put on the whole armor or, as the Greek says, the complete armor of God.
We all know that feeling - waking up gasping for breath and beaded with perspiration from an intense dream. We wonder, "Did that dream mean something? Was that from God? Am I being warned of something?" If I told you that every thought that pops into our heads isn't always from God, most of you would readily agree. Often, we are more reticent to recognize that the same is true of our dreams. We do have those Holy Spirit-breathed revelations that come to us in dreams. We also have the dreams that bring fear, temptation and distortions from the enemy.
Most of us are familiar with the prophet Elijah. Some people think of him as an ecstatic wild looking prophet with eyes like a blazing fire. Well, Elijah was certainly quite unique, but the Lord used him in powerful ways. I want to share a prophetic word that the Holy Spirit gave me last year. He is raising up and placing His anointing on men and women who will run like Elijah. The Lord showed me racehorses standing at a gate ready to run a race. They were not just average horses, but they were thoroughbred horses that were equipped and groomed to run with speed and endurance.
What is truth? Where can we find it? I love words. So, I went to the dictionary to find out what truth means to people. It tells me that truth is five things. It is: 1. the body of real things, events, and facts; 2. the state of being the case; 3. a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true; 4. sincerity in action, character, and utterance; and 5. a transcendent fundamental or spiritual, God, the supreme ruler of ultimate reality. The problem we have today is that the first four definitions can be skewed as to what we want to think. Notice, what we think is not on the list of what truth is.
I'll never forget the time I was ministering in Mexico in a crusade. During the worship God spoke to my heart that He was going to open deaf ears. As I called it out over the crowd deaf ears began popping open. Then my team brought a young girl onto the platform. When they pulled back her hair, I saw that she had no ears at all. She just had two little holes in the side of her head. She was born without ears and without eardrums. How do you heal an ear when there is no ear there? When her feet touched the platform the power of God went through her body and God worked a creative miracle.
Historically, the people of God have always fared well amid adversity. The history of both Israel and the church has demonstrated how safety and prosperity took away their zeal. This resulted in them falling away from God (1 Kings; 2 Kings; Rev. 2:2-5; 3:17). As much as we don't like to hear it, God often allows adversity in our lives to motivate us to cling to Him and seek Him. During these extremely difficult times as it relates to the pandemic as well as global economic and political unrest, we should trust God to reveal His glory greater than ever before. This biblical principle is shown in Isaiah when he prophesied that when darkness covers the earth, the glory of God will be seen upon His people (Isa. 60:2).