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This is the hour of the rise of the modern day circuit rider.  These will be persons that will forsake the comforts of the hour to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth.  Young men and women who will lay down any right to earthly pleasure to obtain the pleasures of heaven on earth. I have always been amazed at the men and women who preached during the Methodist revival.  Many of them preached circuits in their lifetime.  They would go from town to town on horseback preaching in houses, on haystacks and in General stores.  They didn't care much where they preached unless the gospel was being released and people's lives were being transformed.
The wind of the Holy Spirit is always blowing, but there needs to be something for that wind to "blow into". God looks for us to put up our sails that His wind might blow into our sails to take us where He wants us. When we step out in new ways it is like putting up our sails for the winds of His Presence. It takes some effort on our part to find out just how to put up those sails. In our times with God the light of revelation gives us guidance on just what to do. God inspires us to do things that His wind might find something to blow upon. Sometimes it may seem like we are putting up our sails but the wind is not blowing. Persistence is necessary to find His wind, discovering what works and where the wind is blowing.
Jesus, as a rabbi, chose disciples into whom He would pour His life — not just teach them information, but disclose His heart. These disciples observed Him in every setting. They had backstage passes to His most intimate moments. They were welcomed into His private dealings. Jesus' disciples — with all this up close access — made a connection between His life of prayer and His life of power, and they asked Him to teach them to pray.
My people, I want you to know that I am doing a deep work within your heart cleansing and purging all that is not of Me for without having a pure vessel My work is being hindered.  There has been spiritual pride and wrong motives and priorities haven't been right according to My will.  Be sensitive to My small and still voice and I will show you areas in your heart that I am willing to change. You must know that no man is without sin for I am the only one who was able to walk a pure and holy life and was sinless.  Whenever a man reached that place they are immediately lifted up out of the earth and raised into My realms of glory above that which could be tainted by the enemy.  A pure and holy vessel will dwell with Me until the appointed time where they will return glorified with Me.
Time - that space between planting and harvesting, between promise and fulfillment. Living in a world where we are widely accustomed to instant gratification, the concept of having to wait can be frustrating. Yet if we understand the purpose and potential of these times, we can learn to cooperate with God and enjoy the journey. Many live with a sense of destiny and promise but struggle to see how it can be fulfilled in the light of their present circumstances. That can be a frustrating situation, especially when they see how God is already moving in the lives of others. It invites all sorts of questions: Why not me? I know God has called me to greater things, so why do I feel stuck where I am? What am I doing wrong? When will God fulfill the promises He gave me?
"We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves."  Galileo Galilei

Humanity has tried to understand and to contain God with human reasoning – but He cannot be confined. Jesus is not just a historical figure or an important prophet – He is alive and His Spirit breathes and dwells in each one of us. Jesus died so that the fullness of God could live in a people. God gave us Free Will to choose to live for Him…and as Him. Imagine…the Lord expresses Himself through you and me! We are His voice on this earth.
I think the majority of decent people who don't believe do so because they cannot "connect the dots." They believe in God but just can't imagine that He would speak to them and care about them in a personal way. They like and appreciate the hope that they stand a chance for Heaven and they don't want the drama and fear of doom all the time "to get them in." They don't want to be manipulated and can see through that a mile away. But MANY have never had anyone pray with...them in a personal way for a need, much less to give them the opportunity to have their own effective prayer life. You can't just say to a baby believer, "Here's the Bible, read it" and expect them to excel in spiritual things right away. It's not going to happen, except with a very few.
In this time of great unrest, uncertainty and chaos in the earth, the Lord is raising up a great company of sons and daughters who exude His Peace and reflect His great Light, see: "Let there be Light!" The mandate given to this company is to: "Prepare the way of the LORD; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God" (Isaiah 40:3).  Their job description is to see that: Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth (v. 4). As they accomplish this tremendous task they will receive the Glorious reward: "The glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken" (v. 5).
In prayer, I recently saw a vast army of men and women, standing regal and confident, awaiting their marching orders. Yet they appeared more like kings, queens and priests than I anticipated. Their nobility was a badge of honor.  Their faces shined brightly, reflecting the very glory of God, filled with yearning as their hearts burned with a passion for more of Him.  Their countenance literally caused me to shudder and shake, because they carried the authority of heaven.  Every word they spoke was anointed and carried a holy presence that could not be denied.  This army stood on a battlefield, but without a single iota of fear in their demeanor. Among them were men, women and children — people from every nation and tongue — standing shoulder to shoulder, connected by brotherly love, dignity, and honor. 
As many of you know, I was stricken with Chikungunya virus in May of 2014 while in Haiti, which made walking painful. The doctors told me it could take up to two years for my body to be totally healed. Although I was recovering well, growing stronger every day and praising my Healer, evidently with the two-year anniversary date approaching the Great Physician decided it was time to bring closure to the matter. While I was sitting in my study on February 4, 2016, I experienced a supernatural encounter with the Lord when He suddenly spoke to my spirit and said, "Take up your bed and walk." I felt like lightening from heaven was going through my body, even causing me to scream. The encounter with God lasted for several seconds, and was a powerful, life-changing experience.