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Remain silent upon your bed and receive the word of the Lord. Be still and know that I am your God and that I have everything under My control. Know that even though you might not be overcoming like you should that it is OK to come to Me just as you are and be accepted. Yes, you are accepted in the Beloved. Know that I will take you from where you are now to where you need to be. This is the end of all times and the enemy is coming upon many like a flood trying to wipe them out of their funds, their health, their families, and relationships.
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that 2017 is your year! It is your year of breakthrough, advancement, provision, and miracle manifestation. The struggle that was in 2016 will not carry over into 2017. I am releasing a supernatural grace upon you now to transition into the new season of blessing and abundance that awaits you. I am releasing miracle money for you within the first 90 days of 2017!
Soaking is a huge key in 2017 to see and experience the greater weight of His glory. As I spent time with the Lord recently I had a vision where I saw encounters with Jesus happening right across the body of Christ where the Lord was specifically releasing new mantles upon His people. These new mantles were for the new season that we are entering into as the body of Christ. He is looking for those chasing His heart and humility. The first thing I noticed was His eyes, He was looking, His eyes were roaming through the body of Christ and instantly I knew what He was looking for. He was looking for those chasing after His heart simply to know Him and humility!
2017 is going to be a time in which many of the least likely people begin to awaken to God's love. A long-awaited start of global awakening and revival will take place. Many of these people have been rejected by the Church, but God is saying, "I have not forgotten them and their cries have reached my ears." Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord. Psalm 117:1–2 (NIV)
The world is going to awaken to the awesome power of the Lord. There is a reason for all the turmoil and attacks.
The world is going to awaken to the awesome power of the Lord. There is a reason for all the turmoil and attacks.
John 6:29 - Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." Sometimes it is work to believe, sometimes it is easy. But there are those days that it takes all your efforts. And I believe this is what Jesus is teaching - work to believe in the goodness and love and trustworthiness of God. Some days I do better than others, how about you? But even there I am being trained on what to do, how to think, and how to resist the devil, and even sometimes to reach out, not just to others, but even in asking for yourself. You should not be ashamed to ask for prayer, but know that others can't do your work before God. You have to work to believe too!
Acts of God, what are they? We are accustomed to hearing the local newscaster declare a natural disaster as an act of God. But is it really? Is that an accurate forecast? When society no longer believes that Satan exists or that hell is an actual place, then they would blame the Creator for these destructive events. When they say that there are many roads that lead to salvation then there is confusion about who God is. And therefore, humankind makes their own gods and anyone's description of the nature and character of their god is confused and accepted as the one, true God.
There are many types of prayer that we can engage in, whether it be intercession, petitions or just praying in the Holy Spirit. (1 Thess. 1:2, 1 Tim. 2:1) The most primary and necessary form of prayer is our devotional prayer life. This type of prayer has no agenda except to spend time with God, interacting in His Presence. The last verse in 2 Corinthians reveals a key in the life of Paul as it states, "Let the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen."
For the past few months, our ministry has hosted prayer meetings in our community, on Saturday. At our last one, the Lord gave me a word. As I sat meditating in prayer, I opened my eyes to see the word "Recover" on the wall in front of me. I smiled and didn't think much of it, but then the word continued to resonate in my spirit. The Lord began to share with me that He was about to cause a "Recovering" to occur.
I walked into my client's office and immediately knew something was wrong. "I'm sorry, Chase, but I'm not going to have much time today." I knew him to be a busy guy but he had a serious and sad tone about him. He went on, "To be honest, my marriage is falling apart." He looked exhausted and defeated. The only thing I could muster was, "I am so, so sorry." And I truly was. We talked for a few more brief moments, then I left. I walked back to my car and sat in the silence. The first line of Psalm 13 immediately came to mind: "How long, Lord?"
About a month ago I had a dream in which I was standing in a high place looking down at the earth. I was amazed at what I saw. It was as if all the soil of the earth was removed so that I could see what laid underneath and there in the middle of the earth there were these giant pillars. The pillars or columns that I saw were much like the columns used in Roman and Greek architecture, or what you might see at the White House. They were huge and imposing. They were greater in size than any skyscraper I had ever seen and entire towns and cities could rest upon the top of them.