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As I sat with the Lord today I heard the words flow from His heart "Pioneers, this is your destiny year!!" There has been a very strategic assignment against the pioneers coming into 2017, those who are forerunning and pioneering new lands, new pathways, new strategy from heaven. This strategic assignment has come against with giants raising their ugly heads again to do whatever they can to intimidate and cause the pioneers to withdraw and to not move forward. The very reason that there has been such turbulence, such heaviness, such confusion and dread coming against many of the pioneers is because pioneers this is your destiny year!
On January 3, I had a major encounter in which the Lord spoke to me that over the next three weeks there would be some radical adjustments and changes coming for us all. God spoke to me that the last week of January would be a significant time for this to begin. There have been some changes in many people's callings. New assignments were released from the heavenly adjustment department. This will be the start of some major realignments and reassignments coming over the next few months. Many people have been experiencing serious levels of discouragement and warfare. I have been praying daily for a breakthrough about this for myself and for others. On January 16, God spoke to me that my case in Heaven had been reviewed and an adjustment offer had been released. I have never heard this before and it took me by surprise. I also heard that this was happening to many people right now.
One issue we all face is knowing when to press into initiatives without getting ahead of God. It is wounding to invest our energy and faith to contend for something that never happens, or find out later that it was never supposed to happen. In our hearts, we retreat back to a vow that says, "Lord, unless you tell me, I won't commit the sin of presumption again." Now that sounds spiritual and it fits a theological tradition that God is sovereign. However, God's sovereignty really means that He can control whatever he wants to, but He usually makes room for His Kingdom kids to exercise initiative and power to work with Him. God is the only one with the keys to the car…but in the Kingdom, He's letting His sons and daughters learn to drive.
Beyond building your next "to do" goal checklist - is there anything else? I mean, really, of course there is benefit in building your goals, but if you really want to live the life of your dreams, is there anything else to consider? Just for a moment, could you look at your life as a journey? An ongoing expedition that is far greater than a few lists for New Year's goals. Perhaps your life has more purpose than you have realized so far? It is important to ask the right questions and take a moment for introspection.
The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head (Micah 2:13 NIV). In a prayer meeting a few weeks back, someone mentioned the topic of a window in the context of a recent dream. From the time this person said "window" until now, throughout the days I have been seeing visions of windows opening up from just about all angles. The theme "Windows of Opportunity" just keeps resonating. Some reading this have experienced endless closed doors, roadblocks, and blocked paths over these past few years. This has left you wondering why so many obstacles have come against you.
The Lord says, I am raising up the men and women of faith to be mentors to the next generation of believers. They are those who are grounded in My word, know how to hear My voice, and are able to discern that which is spiritual from that which is carnal. They will disciple the younger ones and help them to discover their purpose for their lives, as they walk with them through their journey. They will train and equip them for their assignment ahead. They will mentor in stability through wisdom and love. These mentors will reach out and rescue those who are in desperate situations because they know what it is to pay the price as they have also been through difficult times.
In a recent vision, I saw a huge war room abuzz with chatter as the enemy and his minions were deeply focused on strategic planning. They were deep in urgent, rapid-fire discussion as they pored over potential plans of attack and tried to decide on the most effective covert tactics. Their agenda was crucial to their success to distract, deter and sidetrack the goals of God's people. They were brainstorming secret plans to derail the destiny of God's Bride, plans that lay flat on a giant conference table. It was an hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute plan to distract those in the church. And this was not any ordinary plan; no, this was a master plan to dull the senses, to throw us off our game by wasting and deterring times of prayer, meditation and time in the secret place.
Today we start a new series, which has taken me 15 days or more of careful meditation and maturing. I do not post just anything that might sound good and I do not post to appeal to the various doctrinal camps either. I must be honest that my communion with God has saved me from complete disillusionment with what I see in general Christendom. The problem is for the hidden elites that there are those who for being "in the wilderness" they do not accompany the latest fad. Those who are accustomed to isolation and the emptiness of the wilderness hear a different sound. That sound is consistent to the same inspirational sound written between the lines of scripture.
One of the amazing things to many church goers who got "out of the box" of the church was the fact that the world was still going on and not as "in need" of them as they thought. And to be truthful, not all the unchurched were falling apart. This has been shocking to many who felt that controlling the "end of the world" was dependent upon them. In fact, there were many biographical movies made about people who were once churched strong who left the four walls to pursue their gift and career. Now if they left the church completely and didn't mingle with other sincere Christians, for sure they got off track. But many good ones used the monies they made and gave to many charities where people really needed helps that the Church was not giving them. These monies were an answer to many people's prayers for help and needs!
"Tell me what it is you plan to do with your wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver
"…the great aim of education is not knowledge but action." - Herbert Spencer
It's 1:07am, and I can't fall back asleep. I'm wide awake. It's not insomnia. No, it's something different. Inspiration, maybe. A gnawing awareness. An energy I recognize from the days I wrote music like my life depended on it.
"…the great aim of education is not knowledge but action." - Herbert Spencer
It's 1:07am, and I can't fall back asleep. I'm wide awake. It's not insomnia. No, it's something different. Inspiration, maybe. A gnawing awareness. An energy I recognize from the days I wrote music like my life depended on it.