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I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, I am releasing new things quickly! This is the season that many have prophesied about for years. I am releasing the promises that I spoke to you about in secret concerning your divine purpose. For I am causing a great work to arise from within you. This is a season of accelerated expansion and building.
I had a dream not too long ago that I was transported to a church and up in front of the church and a prophetess said to me that a pastor that I knew of is going to die soon and I am supposed to take over as pastor of his church. I then woke up in the natural and prayed to God and said God, "Is this true am I supposed to do that?" Then I went back to sleep and I dreamed that I was at a church and I was sitting at a table with a prophet and he said the dream wasn't true and you are called to pastor but it's not time yet. I said wait a minute I have been the pastor of several churches yet you say it's not time yet.
There is a story in the bible about the prophet Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel against their false gods. Elijah invited 450 prophets of Baal to a challenge. He asked them "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, then follow Him. If Baal is God, then follow him." Elijah then told them to make a sacrifice without a natural fire and the God who answers by fire will prove to be God. They built an altar, slaughtered and cut oxen, then laid them on the wood of the altar. Elijah told them to pray for their god to send fire to light their sacrifice.
At the beginning of 2017, I began to share prophetically how 2017 was going to be a year for "BRIDGES." This will be a year where Heaven and Heaven's Ambassadors are going to build bridges into the culture of our communities. These inroads will bring the application of kingdom principles within the earthly systems and thus bring Heaven to Earth. Then on January 8th I was nearly asleep when suddenly I had a vision in which I saw the back of a pick-up truck parked in a parking lot. On the back of the tailgate in the lower left hand corner I saw the word "BRIDGEWORLD."
We know the fulfillment of Isaiah 66:8 took place when Israel was born all at once, coming out of Egypt a wealthy nation in one night. In 539 BC, the Persian King Cyrus conquered Babylon, where exiled Jews were being held captive. God used this heathen king to orchestrate the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple after seventy years of Jewish captivity in Babylon, sending a remnant back to Judah and financing their efforts. This too happened rather suddenly, even though it had been prophesied years before by both Isaiah and Jeremiah.
We never outgrow the need for encouragement and we all long for fathers. Our hearts are designed to cherish a father and to be one. It is pastoral, but once we feel the call to our own destiny, that relationship is better described as apostolic. Apostolic ministries are not confined to the local church or even the church mountain. These fathers are commissioned by Jesus and are functioning in every mountain…we just don't refer to them as apostles when they are outside the church (probably wisdom). The strict meaning of apostle is someone set apart or sent out in the sense of being commissioned by Jesus. They typically carry a message and/or a mandate to spearhead something in the Kingdom. In the church mountain, that usually translates to planting or overseeing churches. In other mountains apostle carries the same definition and weight, just a different application.
Each year the Wind of Change (not Winds) from Heaven begins to blow things into place. This year it is going to start in March and continue through May. I have been observing this angel from Heaven since 2012, and as this angelic Wind begins to blow it often kicks up debris in our lives. It might cause a temporary loss of vision, but it does not last long at all. When the Wind of Change angel blows it reveals things that have been hidden (Psalm 104:4). Things that may have been holding you back will become much clearer. It will blow away the heavy cloud of hopelessness. Many people will be tempted to give in to discouragement, but do not back down as this time of resistance will not last long. What will come from this will be a greater revelation into your calling and divine assignment from God.
t was the place where immortality was said to be found – and Jennifer Spies could not wait to get there. It was an Asian tea plantation that grew only one herb, jiaogulan ginseng, an adaptogenic that was reportedly able to extend lives and to fight off cancer and other fatal diseases. The plantation also had a retreat, and she availed herself to the courses taught by the master tea growers. Miss Spies was a fast learner, and she caught onto the art of growing the tea rather quickly.
I hear the Father saying He is ALREADY making a way for you, and it's not by power or might but by His Spirit He is doing this. He says it is all coming together by the working of Holy Spirit. The force with which you are being pressed on feels extremely uncomfortable, but it's good because the Father is aligning you with Heaven's perfect order and timing, which include the right people at the right place at the right time. And the reason this is happening is because it is time for the new thing the Father has ordained for your life.
I have called you my people to rescue and redeem a lost generation. You may prophecy and proclaim the things that you desire, but remember My desires! My church is still playing its religious traditions, yet part of my church is now adding new ear tickling revelations, to fascinate people with excitement in order to compensate them from their religious, monotonous, boredom. My people will now learn how to operate in the Spirit of discernment, rather than swallow everything that is coming from those who cover themselves with a spirit of elitism.