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Tune your hearts to listen to  My voice giving you new directions at the strategic crossroads of life. Stand your ground. Look up and see the rustling of the Mulberry tree leaves as My majestic train of glory passes by. Step into the flow of My Spirit. Reach up and take hold of my train then old on tight for I will cause an acceleration, increase and multiplication that will propel you into a place of glory. The abundance of My rain has softened the soil to prepare a fertile womb to receive My seed. I am creating a peaceful strategy for My people to escape the chaos of Egypt. My presence will remove the spirits of infirmity, poverty and death.
Years ago, my ministry almost destroyed me. I fell in love with it more than with the Lord. Our ministries, if we are not careful, can be our number 1 enemy! It happens so innocently, for we love what God has called us to do. The Lord began to hinder my ministry by closing doors and locking the windows. Invitations ceased, and I found myself alone with my family and God. For about three months, I was shut in with God. I discovered if you slow down and spend time with Him, you won't lose your ministry unless it was yours. If it's God's ministry, it will continue without you.
"While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, 'Simon, three men are looking for you. So get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them.'" Acts 10:19-20 Peter had never preached to the Gentiles. In fact, he believed it was against Jewish law to associate with the Gentiles. God needed to change Peter's attitude about this, so God gave Peter a vision that showed him it was permissible to preach to the Gentiles. The Spirit came to Peter and informed him that some men were about to come visit him, and he was to go with them. He went with them, and the Lord did great miracles in the lives of Gentiles through Peter.
It's time to advance forward into your call, gifting, anointing & destiny. God is saying, "No more delay!" We are in a time where God is catapulting people into their callings and destinies. God has amazing good works for you to do. These good works are an integral part of the destiny God has planned for your life. Many of us carry a sense of destiny, that we are called to be doing something more than what we are doing at the present moment. You feel this way because your life has a purpose greater than your present state or condition. There are greater things God has designed for your life. But you may be experiencing frustration because you haven't seen the fullness of God's intent for your life manifested yet. And you are asking the question "how?!" How am I going to get to where God wants me to be?
Luke 5:1-3 So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, and saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets. Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.

I was glad that someone told me in the past that one reason Jesus launched out a bit on the water was because that besides being protected from being swamped by the crowd, it also afforded greater sound acoustics for His Voice to carry more.
I hear the sound of truth coming; I hear the sound of the Spirit. The Spirit of God Says, "There are words being spoken out that are false; they intend to divide, deceive, and harm. These words are ultimately meant to throw the proverbial monkey wrench into My plan, but that shall not happen, says the Spirit of Truth. For I come to you this day to tell you I AM revealing truths in this hour no one would have ever thought would come to light. Yes, there are many truths coming out. There are also mysteries being revealed.
I saw an interesting vision a few weeks ago. I saw a vision of children dressed in armor, and they were standing in formation, eyes facing forward and intent on their target. I heard a sound arising from the children, "You cannot have us. We belong to God." It was only a moment, but I saw it plain as day. In the moment that I saw this vision, I was pondering on the little children coming to Jesus and what I want my daughter to understand even now at a young age.
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11 NIV The Lord is opening the path of life to you and bringing a long-awaited release of supernatural joy. Even though things may appear difficult on the outside, God is working behind the scenes and creating a path for you. Watch for pathways of life and joy to open in the midst of struggles and trials. Don't look at the surface, as God is working beneath it all to bring you into a new season. On the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur (September 19, 2018), I was awakened with a prophetic dream and I had an encounter with the Lord about the coming year.
It was 9:00pm on a Sunday night. Our group project was due the next morning. For weeks I'd waited on one particular member's part. After asking repeatedly, I completed his portion for him and submitted the project. What did I do when he texted me at the last minute to say he was at the library and was going to work all night to do his part? I told him to go for it. I let him work all night, even though the project had long been completed. In my mind he deserved to slave all night to complete a project I already had to finish myself. Go ahead—waste an entire night working hard for nothing. It was justice in my mind.
Beloved, I am awakening PROPHETIC genealogists to a new day. I am renewing passion in this area that has gone dormant and seems forgotten. I am causing my people to go back, look at their lineages and trace their spiritual heritage alongside the natural. I am prophetically identifying spiritual gifts, organizing prophetic words, causing you to see baptisms, and other historic and prophetic moves through your family's lives. I am commanding you to pull out the journals, letters, and prayers of your ancestors...that your generations can clearly see me. Is this not the legacy of my work in your life?