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Regardless of what all natural appearances may depict, our true enemy is that which is of the spiritual realm. Lucifer and his clan are the real enemy we are at war with. All of humanity is at war with them, although some people do not recognize it because of the deception they are ignorant and blind to. When the people who have been blinded to the truth of the enemy's deception fall prey to becoming pawns to Lucifer's agenda they too can appear as the enemy in which we are at war with, but the reality is, our true enemy is merely infiltrating the heart and mind of that person/people and they have become unknowingly a victim of the enemy.
One of the foundational elements that we need to stand firm in faith is an understanding of our spiritual legal rights. Without this revelation knowledge it is difficult to take ownership of God's promises and confidently believe. Many people are suffering from broken marriages, financial difficulties and incurable sicknesses and disease. They desire a miraculous touch from God and do not understand why it is not happening. They have not been taught that they possess a title deed called "faith" that gives them covenant rights with the Father to make their hopes a reality.
It's so simple we miss it - the key to hearing God is truly wanting whatever He wants! We've developed such a pragmatic, even transactional approach to the prophetic realm over the years that we have arrived with 'us' at the center of the equation. But really, although God is ALWAYS wanting to reveal Himself to us through an authentic experience and intimacy with His Spirit, since He is God, the issue is really what He wants to reveal much more than it is what we want to 'know.'
Do you feel that the devil has a hold on your life in some way? Is there a struggle in your life that seems to repeat itself over and over again? You could be dealing with spiritual bondage. As God releases the King-Priest anointing–empowering His people to lead with both heavenly authority and earthly governance–the enemy will attempt to increase spiritual bondage and oppression. He knows that when we are free and filled with God's Spirit, we are dangerous to the dominion of darkness.
I want to start out with a story. I was raised on a ranch in Montana, and my dad had a cow-calf operation. We had horses and often gathered or moved the cows. A boy on a good horse was as good as a 40-year-old man if he knew what he was doing. My dad came from a ranching background and was really good with horses, as was his dad. He took pride in teaching me everything he could. He also liked to do things the right way because he had done it before and hated having to do it over if we screwed it up.
What is the "Prayer of Faith"? One of the easiest ways to define something is to discover what it is NOT. The opposite of the prayer of faith is a prayer of unbelief. Why would someone even bother to pray a prayer of unbelief? Usually a person thinks the act of prayer or repetition of prayer and begging God will finally change His mind or get Him to give in. Jesus said in Matthew 6:7, "And when praying, do not use needless repetitions as the Gentiles do, for they expect to be listened to because of their multitude of words." 
It is so common for God's people to fall for the misconception of false humility that feeds their lack of importance. Let's just set the record straight here. Jesus did not die for what He did not value. If you were not valuable, He wouldn't have wasted His time enduring a brutal death on the cross. His very sacrifice points to the reiterated fact that is replete through the Bible that we are valuable to God.
Some Christians are notorious for downplaying the Holy Spirit. Many churches lock Him in a box of tradition or just ignore Him. Others treat the third person of the Trinity as if He magically appeared in the book of Acts like a genie out of a bottle and then vanished after the early church was established. And strict cessationists deny that the Spirit works in miraculous ways today. Yet Luke, who recorded the account of Pentecost in the book of Acts, paid close attention to the work of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel that bears his name.
People will go to extraordinary measures to protect their treasured belongings. They install security systems with cameras and alarms on their houses and businesses for protection against thieves stealing their valuables. They have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to protect their families against gas leaks and fires. As Spirit filled believers, we have a priceless treasure: The Holy Spirit dwelling within us, yet we underestimate the value of this gift.
God can restore whatever you've lost. And He wants to bring forth something beautiful. This world is hard. It's filled with people full of hurt and pain. Five minutes watching the news or scrolling through social media and you'll quickly be reminded of the brokenness of humanity and our deep need for a Savior. Many are dealing with the emotional pain of abuse or past hurts—pain that prevents us from enjoying the good life God has planned for us.