Meditating on His Word by Yolanda Ballard
By Yolanda Ballard
I love to meditate upon Psalm 91 especially the first verse. He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. As I ask the Lord about the secret place, I write the following: It is a hiding place, a place where no one knows you are there except the Lord. Jesus is your hiding place, the place where you can run into and be safe. We are to abide in Him always. He is your safe and hidden place where the enemy cannot touch you without the Lord allowing it.

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I love to meditate upon Psalm 91 especially the first verse.
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
As I ask the Lord about the secret place, I write the following:
It is a hiding place, a place where no one knows you are there except the Lord. Jesus is your hiding place, the place where you can run into and be safe. We are to abide in Him always. He is your safe and hidden place where the enemy cannot touch you without the Lord allowing it.
You are secluded in His love that flows out to His people that He died for. You are one with Him and at peace and this peace unites you with others. It is your bonding force like super glue holding the body of Christ together. Jesus prayed that we would be one as He and the Father are one.
What is meant by His shadow? Let Me tell you that it isn’t by amazement that you ask and seek on this subject. You seek revelation because it is important to you. In a few words I say…ask, seek and knock and you will receive.
Shadow is a covering. What covers you besides My blood? My love surrounds you like a shield. I am your rear guard. I lead you through the storm. I am closer to you than a brother. My love is your covering, your shield, and as you walk close to My side, I shadow you.
I keep you cool and safe through the fiery trials of life. I walk with you and talk to you through the cool of the day. I am your resting place. There is no other place to be than with Me. Rest in My faithfulness.
Take Me by the hand and walk with Me. I will lead you by cool fresh flowing streams. You can rest with Me as having a picnic in the meadow. Just close your eyes and feel My embrace. Share Me as you would share something that is very satisfying for, I am the Bread of Life.
My blood has made you well. I have cleansed you and made you white as snow. You are most pleasing to Me. You walk by My side and listen while I speak sweet messages of love. This is intimacy to know Me as a dear and close friend embracing fellowship. You love Me because I first loved you.
Ask and you will see Me and delight in Me. Follow Me and I will lead you in My perfect will. Yes, I am your Shadow, your Covering, and always will be. You abide in Me and rest will be your prize, says your Lord and King.
Yolanda Ballard
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