To Plant a Seed by Yolanda Ballard

By Yolanda Ballard
There is hope for the hopeless! Some people have great financial burdens and in the natural it looks impossible that anyone can help one with such a great need, but The LORD has shown me that if you follow the leading of The LORD, He will have you plant a seed. I've seen the fruit of doing this. The LORD had me plant a seed literally in my own life with my husband.
To Plant a Seed by Yolanda Ballard
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By Jeremy Lopez
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There is hope for the hopeless!
Some people have great financial burdens and in the natural it looks impossible that anyone can help one with such a great need, but The LORD has shown me that if you follow the leading of The LORD, He will have you plant a seed. I’ve seen the fruit of doing this.
The LORD had me plant a seed literally in my own life with my husband.
Before we were married and when we first met, The LORD had me give Lee a fine gold ring as a seed planted for his prosperity.
Lee had been homeless not long before I met him. He had always been faithful to work and never beg like the other homeless people did.
He either rode a bike or walked to work every day after checking with the labor force that gave jobs.
When I handed Lee the ring, I didn’t have the joy of giving him a gift, because I wasn’t the one giving it to him.
The LORD handed him the ring using my hand!
Lee had little back then and now he owns his own home debt-free. Now Lee can’t go back to driving truck, but I know that seed planted back then is just as good for today and God is faithful to provide all our needs.
Back then we weren’t even dating when I gave him the ring not knowing if that seed for prosperity would even touch my life.
I’m saying all this to encourage you to seek The LORD and be sensitive to His leading to “plant a seed” in other people’s lives.
It doesn’t have to be much either financial, materially, or just to serve them.
That seed planted by The LORD’s leading will grow into being a bumper crop for that person in Jesus’ name.
People doing things without God’s leading will not amount to anything but planted in His perfect will produces much!
Plant a seed by Faith — following The LORD’s leading and watch it grow!
Yolanda Ballard