Bee's Knees by Patricia Helder

By Patricia Helder
When bees flit from flower to flower the nectar sticks to their legs. The phrase "bee's knees" means sweet and good, because the knees of the bee are where all the sweet, good stuff is collected. But I have said to you, "You shall inherit their land, and I will give it to you to possess, a land flowing with milk and honey." I am the Lord your God, who has separated you from the peoples. (Leviticus 20:24)  
Bee's Knees by Patricia Helder
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When bees flit from flower to flower the nectar sticks to their legs. The phrase "bee's knees" means sweet and good, because the knees of the bee are where all the sweet, good stuff is collected. 
But I have said to you, "You shall inherit their land, and I will give it to you to possess, a land flowing with milk and honey." I am the Lord your God, who has separated you from the peoples. (Leviticus 20:24)  
This phrase referred to the abundant fertility of the land of Canaan. Milk (typically that of goats and sheep) was associated with abundance; "honey" referred mainly to syrups made from dates or grapes and was the epitome of sweetness. Bees' honey was very rare and was considered the choicest of foods.
Honey is Also a Picture of Revelation Knowledge. 
Once again, I love how the Lord puts these amazing words together. My eye fell on this word in my journal and I felt to start writing about the bee and honey. The next thing I hear is "Bee's Knees," and then I find this amazing picture with a bee on a knee. If you grew up in my era, you would understand the term Bee's Knees, as we would say that when something good was happening!
I don't always hear and sense the Lord moving in this particular way, but it does bring excitement to me! I hope this inspires you to dig deeper in hearing and sensing the things of the Lord. This is the word I had in my journal. Let it sink deep in your soul and allow you to move forward in what God has for you!
"He the Lord, is going to remove the scales from our eyes so we can see the glory. I was hearing a sound of heavy equipment and then seeing dirt overturned. Jesus was driving a bulldozer with a white helmet on His head and was moving the huge boulders out of the way. I then heard the sound of bees coming, carrying the glory fuzz on their knees to each of us. We will be the planting of the Lord and we will take the glory, which is stuck to us into the nations. God's glory shines within us!"
Honey in the Bible's Last Book -- Book of Revelation. 
"For in the day when the seventh angel is to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants the prophets. Then the heavenly voice spoke to me again: 'Go, take the open scroll from the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.' I went up to the angel who stood on the sea and the land and told him to give me the little scroll. Then he said to me, 'Take it, and eat it. It will be sour in your stomach but sweet as honey in your mouth.' I took the little scroll from the hand of the mighty angel and ate it. Indeed, it was sweet as honey to taste, but after I had eaten it, my stomach turned bitter. Then they said to me, 'You must go back and prophesy again to many peoples, and nations, and languages, and kings!'" (Revelation 10:7-11 TPT)
This passage is about receiving God's Word for life-like food that is necessary and instrumental for us to survive and thrive; it is also for sustenance and joy, as His precepts are. Why are they, the words bitter then?
Because God's ways must go deep within us to change us from the inside out. Let us be challenged to allow His precepts to move us from our ways and means to His way as it will cause us to then be transformed. Yes, it will take a toll on our will, satisfaction, purpose and pride, but its ultimate bitterness is the cost of our surrender, as He becomes more in us and to us and we become less to ourselves.
His Word Becomes a Greater Part of Us, Affecting All We are and do.
Yet, its positive sweetness enhances and improves us beyond measure and this is far, far greater than what we think we lose. We can quickly forget its sweetness when all we see is what we think we lose rather than the bounty of what we gain.  (quote by Dr. Richard J. Krejcir)
Every generation has and will continue to speak these trendy words, such as "Bee's Knees" but in the end they come and go. Thank goodness the Word of God is not a trend but stands forever!
Patricia Helder