The Fire of God (teaching CD) by Rob Deluca
The Fire of God (teaching CD) by Rob Deluca
SKU#: PROD34175
Price: $10.00

Rob's full bio

Rob DeLuca was raised in Los Angeles California. In the 70’s his family was saved in the charismatic movement when all the Catholics started getting spirit filled.

At the age of 10 he was radically touched by the power of the Holy Spirit and every time his mother would take him to a church service, men of God such as Kenneth Hagen, Kenneth Copeland and Ralph Wilkerson, would begin to prophesy over him saying ‘Son, God has called you to be a preacher’ and ‘Young man, the Lord is going to use you to preach to the masses’.

During Rob’s teenage years, he ended up falling into a lifestyle of drug addiction and drug dealing. At the age of 18 he ended up homeless and living in a cardboard box. In a back alley, Jesus met him and revealed his mercy, goodness and grace to Him. Rob fell radically in love with the Lord. He remembered what the Lord had spoken over him as a young boy and said ‘Yes’ to the high call of God. 

Since that time Rob has been to over 42 nations sharing the Good News of the saving power of Jesus Christ. In 1994/95 he attended bible school to further his studies on church history and the great revivalists of old. 

In 1996, an angel of the Lord came to Rob and spoke to him in the middle of the night in regards to New Zealand. The Angel said "The Lord is calling you to NZ and you shall carry the Glory of the Lord from one side of the nation to the other”. So with nothing but a bible and a suitcase, Rob packed his bags and came to New Zealand as a missionary where he rented a room in a basement for 18 months seeking God.

During this time, the Lord spoke to Rob about starting a business. He began a sandwich shop which over the past 10 years has grown into 10 restaurants and cafes as well as a boutique furniture store. He currently owns three restaurants and one café in Auckland, New Zealand.

In 2002, Rob and Caroline began His Way Church International in their home with six other people. Since then the church has continued to grow and flourish into an Apostolic training centre for young revivalists. 

Today, Rob and Caroline and their three beautiful children, Isabella, Joshua and Joelle live in both Auckland, New Zealand and Orange County, CA, USA.

Rob's short bio

Rob operates in a strong Prophetic and Apostolic Anointing with signs and wonders that follow the preaching of the Word. God uses him as a catalyst for revival wherever he ministers. Rob’s wife Caroline co-pastors and ministers alongside Rob. Their giftings complement one another.   With all their hearts, Rob and Caroline desire to raise up a generation of revivalists to carry God’s love and fire all over the world.

Product Details

Weight: 1 lbs.

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Teaching CDs