Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness (book) by Chuck D. Pierce
Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness (book) by Chuck D. Pierce
SKU#: PROD13339
Price: $8.99

Close the Door to the Enemy and Open the Door to God

Learn how to rid your home of destructive objects and spiritual darkness to create a fortress of love and light for your family. Too many Christians are completely unaware of how the enemy has gained access to their homes through what they own. This practical, easy-to-read book shows you how to pray through your home and property in order to lock out evil and experience a richer spiritual life.

The devil is crafty and he will blindside you with his evil plans as much as he can. This book shows you how to unmask his footholds in your home and break their power once and for all. – C. Peter Wagner, Author, Changing Church and What the Bible Says About Spiritual Warfare

Scripture says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6, NIV). The enemy of our souls is working overtime to pollute the very fabric of our culture. Many Christians are being swept away, unaware of Satan's devices to rob them of their peace and joy and the well-being of their homes. Like a hidden iceberg that tears a hole in a ship below the waterline, these pollutants can tear gaping holes in homes that will threaten to sink them. In this knowledgeable and biblical presentation, Chuck Pierce and Rebecca Sytsema skillfully instruct us in how we can have homes that are filled with God's presence and that are free from the sometimes subtle ways they can become polluted. – Chris Hayward, President, Cleansing Stream Ministries 

"Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness" is a must-read for sincere Christians. Chuck pierce demystifies a topic that is often viewed as superstitious or imbalanced. Regardless of whether you are well versed in the concept of spiritual warfare or just beginning to understand it, this book lays a clear foundation that will help you win the important battles in your life. For me, the acid test of this book's value is that its principles helped me during a cycle of sickness and depression that had attacked my family for years. Now it is your turn. Dare to believe that you can break through into realms of victory. – Harry R. Jackson, Jr., Coauthor, High-Impact African-American Churches, Senior Pastor, Hope Christian Church, Washington, D.C.

What is a spiritual housecleaning? Chuck Pierce tells us why and how to cleanse our homes in ways that some of us may never have considered before. I recommend "Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness" as a must-read, must-do book. – Quin Sherrer, Coauthor, A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare

This much-needed book will help you discern what you have in your possession that would give legal right for evil spirits to indwell, harass, and create spiritual hindrances. Most everyone needs to do some spiritual housecleaning. Here is help for knowing where to begin and how to go about it. – Frank D. Hammond, Author, Pigs in the Parlor and A Practical Guide to Deliverance

Chuck D. Pierce is vice president of Global Harvest Ministries and president of Glory of Zion International Ministries. He is a widely traveled and well-known speaker, specializing in city transformation and the mobilization of prayer worldwide. Other books Chuck Pierce has coauthored with Rebecca Wagner Sytsema include Possessing Your Inheritance and Prayers That Outwit the Enemy.

Rebecca Wagner Sytsema has been involved in Christian work since 1980 and is an ordained minister. She has also coauthored the book Commitment to Conquer and Prayers That Outwit the Enemy.

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Weight: 2 lbs.

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