Apostolic Grace (MP3 Download Teaching) by Craig Kinsley
Apostolic Grace (MP3 Download Teaching) by Craig Kinsley
SKU#: PROD42928
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Apostolic Grace
by Craig Kinsley

Craig Kinsley's passion is to help raise up a radical generation of revivalist that will establish the Kingdom of God wherever they go. He believes there is a prophetic destiny over the current generation to walk in the fullness of God's purpose for His Church. Craig's prophetic insight into the ways of God and the Christian life have seen thousands renewed and revived with zeal for the God's Kingdom and their destiny in Christ.  He is able to bring practical understanding concerning the supernatural ways of God and the miraculous nature of the Christian life.  Coming from a traditional church background, Craig also has a gift to break down religious ideas with reality of an abundant spiritual life. As should be normality for a Christian, miracles and supernatural phenomenon seem to followCraig wherever he goes.

While living a life of drugs and alcohol, Craig had a dramatic encounter with God that not only gave him new life, but released a prophetic destiny. Craig was immediately delivered and began to spend extended times in the presence of God. During these encounters the Lord began to show Craig his destiny and the destiny of His church. Without knowing exactly what was happening he began to receive revelation through visions & dreams about the end-time move of God and the state of the Church.

Though he didn’t have anyone to teach him, he began to consume the word of God and any book he could get his hands on. Through this season a spirit of wisdom and revelation came on Craig’s life. Soon he pioneered an inner-city children’s ministry in Jackson, Mississippi and went on to help establish a revival church in the same city. While serving as associate pastor, he was led to enlarge his tent and take his vision for revival to the nations.

Craig began traveling full-time with healing revivalist Todd Bentley, ministering all over the world in churches, conferences and mass-miracles crusades where tens of thousands were saved, healed and delivered. He personally worked along side Todd in the prophetic, word of knowledge and healing.

Craig was ordained through Fresh Fire Ministries and soon established Awake International, through which he now travels throughout North America and the world teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, releasing impartation and helping believers come into their full destiny in God. 

Craig and his wife Lori now reside in Moravian Falls, North Carolina

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