Building a Prototype Church (E-Book/PDF Download) by Bill Vincent
Building a Prototype Church (E-Book/PDF Download) by Bill Vincent
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Building a Prototype Church
(E-Book/PDF Download)
by Bill Vincent

This is more than an audiobook; it is a blueprint of what God is saying during this hour. Bill Vincent is an anointed prophetic writer who releases powerful fresh revelation in all he does. In Building a Prototype Church you will be able to see into God's heart - into a new type of Church coming forth.

The body of believers not caught up in this new move is against it, criticizing it as a dangerous phenomena and preaching dire warnings about control, manipulation, and mental ill health. Any one who is a critic is criticizing the Holy Spirit in this move. It is easy to speak against something you don't fully understand. Listen: you need to be open to what God wants to do.

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