CLEARANCE: Mind Lost Mind Found (book) by Stan and JoAnn Smith
CLEARANCE: Mind Lost Mind Found (book) by Stan and JoAnn Smith
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Mind Lost Mind Found
by Stan and JoAnn Smith

Mind Lost Mind Found is a book full of variety and surprises.  At its simplest level, it's the story of JoAnn, a young wife and mother who had to put her life back together after her husband died in a motorcycle accident.

Simple, huh?  But JoAnn brought her own unique style to the challenges she faced, finding wildly creative ways to handle things.

A few scenes in the book will give you an example of what her story is like.  It was JoAnn's idea to have two funerals, one fake and one real, for her dead husband.  JoAnn came up with the idea to have a gambling party to raise money to retain a lawyer for her boyfriend; JoAnn was one of the few who escaped when the police raided.  Later, JoAnn would demand that the IRS audit her business; when they refused, she threw all the business records in the sea and started over...

Mind Lost Mind Found is a true story.  It's based on a diary JoAnn kept while the events were happening.  Wild as her story is, it's true.

Mind Lost Mind Found will fascinate all sorts of people:  those who are interested in the hippie era, anyone interested in psychology and mental illness, people who wonder about the lifestyles of the rich and famous, and those who think about spiritual things – all of these issues are part of the story.  But if you just want a good read, Mind Lost Mind Found will keep you turning the pages.

Stan Smith is a passionate worshiper who uses his diverse gift-mix to equip the church, assuring the whole body of Christ that God wants to walk them into rich encounters with Him.  Stan and his wife JoAnn often minister together in prophetic teaching and in gifts of prophecy and healing.  Stan has taught in Bible schools and was a pastor for 17 years, engaging in prison ministry, inner-city evangelism, and travel to many nations. Since then, Stan and JoAnn have served in Healing Rooms and in prophetic presbytery at home and abroad.  Stan often leads soaking meetings at the keyboard, releasing an atmosphere in which people see visions, gain clear direction, and receive deliverance or healing.

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Weight: 2 lbs.

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Books, Clearance