Releasing the Fire of Heaven (Teaching DVD) by Pastor Jack Sheffield
Releasing the Fire of Heaven (Teaching DVD) by Pastor Jack Sheffield
SKU#: PROD47866
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Releasing the Fire of Heaven
Teaching DVD
By Pastor Jack Sheffield

The Rev. Dr. Jack and Anna Marie Sheffield both experienced a life-changing rebirth into Christ Jesus and His kingdom, and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit in 1973. Together, they have served in ministry for over 30 years, and continue to witness many healings and miracles of God’s grace and power in a variety of forms and manifestations.

Ordained 1979
Jack answered the call to ordained ministry in 1978. He and Anna Marie sold all they had, packed up their two young sons and went off to seminary, where Jack (and his family!)graduated from Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of Theology, with a Master’s degree in Theology. In 1991, he received further training at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, in Austin, Texas. He was ordained an Episcopal deacon in 1992 and a priest in 1993.

Doctorate in Ministry 2001
Jack earned his Doctorate in Ministry from the Seabury Institute in Chicago, Illinois in June of 2001. His area of focus was congregational development. Jack is a gifted preacher with a strong leaning towards the prophetic. He has a delightful sense of humor and can deliver the Truth in a most winsome way. He served in the pastorate for a total of 18 years, in the Methodist Church, a non-denominational church, and the Episcopal Church. Anna Marie took an active part in the churches in teaching, children’s ministry and worship, and mentoring women and teenage girls.

International Order of St. Lukorgaizatione the Physician (OSL)

Jack has been a Chaplain in the OSL, an interdenominational Christian Healing,  since 1993.  He is currently serving as  North American Director, Interim for the organization.

Jack has authored three anointed books: God’s Healing River, Under Healing Wings, and The Genesis Seed.

Evangelical Ministry 2001/ Deep River Ministries flows!
In 2001, Jack and Anna Marie felt the call from God to begin an evangelistic ministry with the purpose of spreading the Good News that Jesus is still in the business of healing His people: spirit, soul and body. They minister in all denominational and non-denominational churches both nationally and internationally. They are available for conferences, weekends of renewal, revivals, healing missions, retreats; wherever God calls. Jack and Anna Marie are available as a team, or individually.

Jack has been a past chaplain for the Brotherhood of St. Andrew.  He enjoys leading men and boys retreats.

Jack and Anna Marie have both made their Cursillo (similar to Walk to Emmaus. They are available for WEDU’s. They have both enjoyed participating in Camp Farthest Out (CFO) and are happy to speak at CFO weekends as well.

Product Details

Weight: 1 lbs.

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