The church is presently entering the realm of the manifested rule and government of God in and through His people. This realm is called many things: The Gospel of the Kingdom, the Manifested Sons of God, Present Truth, the Saints Movement, and the Third Day! I want to submit to you that it can also be called the realm of , 'Yet Not I'! In days one and two we were busy 'doing things FOR the Lord.' In the third day we are still very busy, but we are not busy working and living for the Lord: we are busy working and living AS the Lord! This revelation is the vital dynamic which will cause us to run, that we may obtain! God does not need us to do anything FOR Him! We are to yield to Christ within us and allow Him to Do what HE wants to do (Phillipians 2:13)! This is the realm of 'Yet Not I' (Galatians 2:20).
We will never realize our destiny in Christ until we get over ourselves!
Product Details
Weight: 1 lbs.