Why Your Story Matters in the Big Picture by Doug Addison

By Doug Addison
What's your favorite story in the Bible? Have you noticed there's a little bit of everything? We have stories of adventure and romance, betrayal and friendship, the supernatural and the natural. Then we have the books of poetry and psalms, and the book of Proverbs where we receive practical, life advice from a king. These stories went on to change the world! But there are still stories yet to be told—like your own! Here are a few reasons why your story matters in the big picture. I love that God knew it would be a good idea to tell His story in a variety of ways. There's a message here for us—when it comes to communicating our stories, there's no "right way" to do it! Many of you believe you're called to write a book, but you feel like your book couldn't possibly be as great as "all those other people's."
Why Your Story Matters in the Big Picture by Doug Addison
By Kim Walker-Smith
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What's your favorite story in the Bible?
Have you noticed there's a little bit of everything? We have stories of adventure and romance, betrayal and friendship, the supernatural and the natural.
Then we have the books of poetry and psalms, and the book of Proverbs where we receive practical, life advice from a king.
These stories went on to change the world! But there are still stories yet to be told—like your own!
Here are a few reasons why your story matters in the big picture.
No One Else Can Tell Your Story
I love that God knew it would be a good idea to tell His story in a variety of ways. There's a message here for us—when it comes to communicating our stories, there's no "right way" to do it!
Many of you believe you're called to write a book, but you feel like your book couldn't possibly be as great as "all those other people's."
I want to remind you of this: No one is exactly like you or has your exact experiences. No one can communicate things the way you can share them!
Remember, there's never going to be another person who can see life through your eyes. Your unique perspective on life and the world matters!
You Could Change People's Lives
Have you ever been comforting a friend and felt the need to share with them that you went through something similar?
This usually results in the other person connecting more with you because they know you've been there, too. In fact, the more personal something is to you, the more others relate to it.
When we share our own experiences with other people, it helps others know they're not so alone! Being brave enough to tell your story could be what gives someone else courage to do the same!
Your Mess-ups Could Be Used for Good
What if your past mistakes could be used to help others? Telling your story helps God turn your missteps into valuable lessons for others!
Something so great about the Biblical stories is we get to see the characters mess up, get up and try again. God didn't ask for His story to be sugarcoated. We get to see the whole picture of how He used ordinary people to accomplish amazing things!
Our personal stories can be used for good. When we share not only the good stuff, but the not-so-good stuff too, we get to encourage others not to make the same mistakes!
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV
You Experience Greater Levels of Freedom
Carrying around an unsaid message can feel like a heavy burden or like fire shut up in your bones!
But if I say, "I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. Jeremiah 20:9 NIV
You experience greater levels of freedom when you finally release the message God has given you to the world. Whether that message consists of practical advice or simply sharing about your life, your story matters—and the world is waiting to read it!
Get ready for new inspiration and passion to get your book written!
Doug Addison

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