Independence Day by Tom Donnan

By Tom Donnan

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Good News to Share


An American Tradition of ours is to celebrate the birth of our Nation! America, rich in a Christian Heritage, rooted in a personal God of the Bible. His unseen hands and generous provision poured out upon One Nation Under God. Corporately, America has thrived under the shelter of His Wing (Ps. 91).


In the Book of the Bible, Deuteronomy, the 28th Chapter it illustrated in the first 15 verses the Blessing we receive when we walk in His ways. Rain in due season and in regular intervals to keep crops growing and alive. A National Economy that is the lender instead of needing to borrower money to operate and so on down the line we could make a list. In other words, God's watchful Eye is vigilant in supplying the needs of a strong Blessed Nation.


In the following two thirds of the book of Deuteronomy, verses 16 through 68 are the consequences for "Forsaking God". It is a slippery slope when moving away from God. It is simple put in one word: "Forsake!" When a Person; Church; Nation begins to "Forsake" God, the natural outcome is a downward direction. I have been intrigued with all the natural disaster happening in our Country and decided to Google: "Is there an increase of natural disasters?" Surprised but not really, site after site has graphs showing a dramatic increase of natural disaster in our Country occurring in the last decade! The outcome of these disasters is many hurting people. A Godly standard of morals and ethics also declines and sin and darkness begin to reign.


Stay with me here; one last point to make. I love Psalm 107! In this Psalm it shows us a reoccurring cycle of Loving and obeying God, then peaking and starting the downward slide to heartbreak and need! At the peak, a Person, Church or Country starts to feel comfortable and shifts their focus off of the supplier and sustainer and the forsaking process begins. Why I like this Psalm? It shows God is within ear shot to the cries emanating from the hearts of His Children. All one needs to do is cry out to the Lord and be willing to follow His ways. For those who might not know the Lord as personal Savior, there is no better time than now to call upon His name and seek His plan for Salvation in Christ Jesus. A wonderful ministry to contact if you want a personal relationship with Jesus is: Need Him Ministries. 1-888-NeedHim, a person will talk to you and answer any question you may have and if you are ready, they will pray with you to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.


Now for the Good News


I have a message for America. "God is knocking on the door of our lives!" Rev 3:20 Any Person, Church, our Country, God is Knocking and is looking for those who will invite Him In! This invitation is across the whole United States. North, East, West and South, any who will turn and seek Him, will find Him, any one opening their lives and heart to Him, He will enter in.


For all those who do not know me, for twenty eight years I have been Born Again, the Lord has been sharing His heart with me in a varieties of ways. This morning I was awaken to His loud knocking, four in all, on a solid wooden door. It is a Prophetic Message in its nature and I am sure some of you just dropped off and out. Others are interested and want to entertain more so do the research for yourself on: is the gift of prophecy working in the church today. As I read the commentary on the third chapter of the book of Revelation, it is not complimentary to the church it is written too. It is not my intention to offend or insult any Pastor reading this message by referring to Rev. 3. It is more a call to have God shed light on the position of a church and if they are not seeing the manifestation of God; here is the doorway to an increased relationship with Him. Maybe here would be a good place to talk about my brother in law, Ed.


Ed, my mentor and closest thing to a brother for me, has had cancer the past eleven years. He has fought through all the pain and suffering due to his treatments and loss of function of different parts of his body holding onto his faith in Jesus. Recently Ed was told, last December, 2010, that he was terminally ill and had six months to live. In the light of eternity, Ed had a spiritual transformation. With a renewed drive, he says: "I have wasted the last eleven years of my life! I need to share Jesus with everyone who will listen, time is short."  Now when Ed has the strength to witness, he will tell anyone; "If you are a believer, get off the fence! Live your life for Jesus and leave the world behind, His (Jesus) return is soon and work is needed to be done while we can." Pretty much the same message contained in Revelation chapter 3.


It has Already Begun


This last Friday, July 1st, I was working at my largest customer having my lunch in the cafeteria. A friend came up to me and asked to talk, a brother in Christ. Just an hour before, as he was walking in a corridor of the hospital to deliver copies to a department, he was flooded with the knowledge of the suffering Jesus endured for his sins. As he was telling me this story tears welded up in his eyes feeling an overwhelming gratitude for our Savior. He was shown the price Jesus paid for his sins. He was seeing with his spiritual eyes, maybe for the first time, the dynamics of Repentance.


What does it look like to receive this message today and open up the door to God? Repentance! Repentance is a spiritual act, an inner reflection of the effects of sin upon our spirits in the light of a sinless God, a pure and Holy God. In that reflection and understanding comes of the sacrifice Jesus endured for us. In that reflection is the knowledge we as humans can never pay a price so high and that it is beyond our capabilities. Then it is seen for the Gift it truly is, God's free Gift of Salvation.


Next step is receiving the Presence of God into our lives and homes. Most Christians of our day are hunger and thirsty for the living breathing God of the Bible. It is a supernatural relationship with living water that satisfies the thirst within our souls. The milk and meat of God's Word which answers every need and guides our life in all the choices we make (Matt 6:33).  And for our Country it is the transfer of spiritual ownership of the land, 2chr 7:14 gaining the Blessing we have lived in most our lives and long to see restored.


You may ask: "What does it look like when God is owner of the Land?" A transfer of ownership of our homes, churches, town and cities and even our Country is having sin and evil removed and seriously restricted. When God is the spiritual owner of the land an open heaven is realized. I first saw this happen in a little town in Louisiana.  It is a different prophetic message I have seen for the south, but none the less, here is what happens. When a person inherits the Land as in 2 chronicles 7:14, all doors to evil are closed. All sins that have happened in the persons and family's life are forgiven. Sin's committed upon the land since the beginning of time is forgiven. God's presence and Angelic helpers are in abundance watching over all things. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit occurs. The natural outcome is: "Salvation". This Pastor received God's inheritance of the Land and this first thing that happened several children were saved. God's presence appeared in the church and healings and deliverance happened. People came forward and asked what they must do to be saved. Revival had come. This is the God healing the Land!


Do you believe? Are you willing to seek God for repentance for yourself and intercede for our Nation? He is standing at the door to America and what will our answer be? As in Psalm 107, our people are hurting and need to receive from our loving Father today. Spider Webs of sin are spun out of control wreaking havoc in many lives. Open up the door of your heart to God this day.


Tom Donnan


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