God Has Great Plans for Thailand - And YOU Can Be a Part Of Them by Rob Hotchkin

By Rob Hotchkin
God Has Great Plans for Thailand - And YOU Can Be a Part Of Them
by Rob Hotchkin

Thailand is a beautiful nation, filled with wonderful people. But there are sections of the city of Pattaya that are darker than any place you can find. Much of this city is given over to the international sex trade. Women, men, boys and girls are trafficked in the bars, hotels, streets and alleys, and along the beach. During our missions school, we train and equip Believers to go out and be light in the darkness-sharing the extreme love of Jesus Christ and watch His love, that has washed away the sins of the world, manifest through them, touching people in profound and powerful ways!

Many are crying out for revival in this hour. "Revival" is simply a way of saying, "We long to see death defeated in all its manifestations and the abundant life that Christ died to give us be made tangible everywhere we go."

I was recently over in Pattaya, Thailand, as part of Extreme Prophetic's "Operation Extreme Love-Thailand" missions school's participants in notable and remarkable ways that pierced the darkness and drew many to the Lord. Every day we saw many saved, healed and delivered. Everywhere we went we saw miracles and heard one amazing story after another of God's power working through everyday Believers like you and me.

I think my favorite moment of the school was when a participant from Canada chased me down in the streets one night declaring, "Wow! This stuff REALLY works!" "This stuff," that he was talking about, was the Gospel! This gentleman had never seen a miracle before and was excited because his outreach team had just seen God invade a bar full of prostitutes and sex tourists being saved, healed and delivered. He not only got to see a miracle, he got to work them. He will never be the same. Praise God!

Lazarus-All Things Are Possible!

I want to share a revelation the Lord recently gave us about Pattaya, Thailand, and the work He plans on doing there through Believers like you and me-to draw a people and a city out from the grip of death and darkness into His glorious light and life! I have read the story of Lazarus in John 11 many times over the years; it is a favorite. But what God highlighted this time was when Jesus stood before the tomb, about to work the amazing miracle of bringing Lazarus forth from the dead, Martha's only thought is that the smell will be horrible because Lazarus has been dead for so long (four days) and the rotting flesh will stink something awful.

Martha and so many others there around the tomb were focused on how things are and how long they have been that way. They are thinking of the flesh and the ways of the flesh and the stink of the flesh. They are afraid that even the Lord Himself can be of no real impact in a situation this far gone. They are leaning on their own understanding (to them four days dead means really stinking, hopelessly dead!), and they see the situation with Lazarus as a lost cause. Their only real thoughts of the Lord are wondering why He did not prevent this from happening in the first place (John 11:21- 11:32).

But Jesus Stands Before The Tomb, Eyes On The Father, Knowing ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Jesus even allowed Lazarus to pass away (John 11:14-15) so that the people could be stretched to new levels of faith and hope in the Lord, greater understanding of God's love and power, and a revelation that TRULY-all things are possible when we believe.

Martha and the mourners see a lost cause where God has seemingly failed to move. Jesus sees a way for God to be mightily glorified. He declares to everyone, "Did I not tell you that you would see the glory of God if you believe?" And then He speaks and Lazarus comes forth-ALIVE-without even a whiff of the stink of death on him! The Lord then instructs those who had been there to remove every shred and remnant of the grave clothes from Lazarus (John 11:44).

In this revelation, I believe that the Lord is reminding those of us who are believing for transforming works in places like Pattaya, Thailand, that we WILL see the glory of God if we believe-No Matter What! There are those who would say Pattaya is too far gone, too dark, too given over to perversion, too stinking with "the rot of the flesh." But it matters not how dark things are, or how stinking and filthy. Nor does it matter how long they have been that way. All that matters is whether or not-we believe!

I believe that Jesus stands in Pattaya and reminds us that we will see the glory of God if we believe. I believe Jesus stands in Pattaya and reminds us that if we refuse to be intimidated by how given over to sin it is, with the putrefying of the flesh, and refuse to be daunted by how long it has been that way, we will see the glory of God arise there!

Jesus promised that Lazarus' sickness would not END in death (John 11:4). To the natural mind and eye it looked like it had (Lazarus was four days dead in the tomb), but to the Kingdom mind and the believing eye, it was not over yet. Jesus never said that Lazarus would not die; He said that it would not END in death.

Can we look past how things are in Pattaya, Thailand? Can we look past how long they have been that way? Can we look to Jesus and believe that Pattaya's sickness of perversion and greed will not END in death, but that the Son of God will receive glory from this situation? (John 11:4).

I Stand In Faith That:

  • We will see the glory of God in Pattaya, Thailand!
  • We will see an abundance of life in Pattaya, Thailand!
  • We will go and remove even the tatters of death from her as she emerges from the tomb she has been rotting in!

And I ask you to stand in faith with me! Let's remember that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE IF WE BELIEVE!

Glory of God-Come Forth in Pattaya!

We have another Operation Extreme Love-Thailand missions school trip coming up May 10-16, 2009. I am excited to see all that the Lord will do during this time. All the more because of the promise He spoke to us through this revelation from the story of Lazarus in John 11. These next few weeks before our missions school converges again in Pattaya, let's believe with a renewed focus and passion that Jesus is well able to save an entire city-calling it forth from decades of rotting flesh into glorious life-through Believers like you and me!

Pattaya has been set free from the law of sin and death by the finished work of the Cross (Romans 8:2). Let's stand with Jesus and cry out: "Pattaya, come forth!" Let's call this city out from its tomb of perversion and corruption! Let's believe and declare that the law of the Spirit of Life truly rules there, because Jesus IS Lord of all creation and all the earth (Psalm 24:1). Let's do the works that Jesus did as He calls us to do (John 14:12), let's stand and speak to our Father as He did (John 1:41-42), declaring God's faithfulness, and call forth Pattaya into LIFE and GLORY!

Glory of God-Come forth in Pattaya, Thailand! Pattaya, ARISE and SHINE! Your Light has come! And the Glory of God will be seen upon you! Come forth into LIFE and LIGHT and PURITY in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Thank you all for laying hold of this and praying into it on behalf of the nation of Thailand, the city of Pattaya, and Operation Extreme Love-Thailand. Bless you all. I am so grateful to be part of a company of THOSE WHO BELIEVE!

Rob Hotchkin
Extreme Prophetic

Email: rob@xpmedia.com


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