10 Easy Ways to Make the World Worse by Chase Butler

By Chase Butler
I spend a lot of time trying to see the world through a positive, hopeful lens. I realize, though, some of you might feel left out. What about those who want to strike a match and watch it burn? What if you're really trying to mess things up? Well, this week is for you. Here are ten surefire ways to make it a little harder for all of us. Oversimplify complicated issues, then have a very loud opinion about it. Share those opinions as often as possible, especially on social media via memes. Limit your influences and embrace confirmation bias. Only seek information that already supports your existing beliefs. Live in an echo chamber. It feels real nice not having anyone disagree.
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I spend a lot of time trying to see the world through a positive, hopeful lens. I realize, though, some of you might feel left out. What about those who want to strike a match and watch it burn? What if you're really trying to mess things up? Well, this week is for you. Here are ten surefire ways to make it a little harder for all of us.


Oversimplify complicated issues, then have a very loud opinion about it. Share those opinions as often as possible, especially on social media via memes.


Limit your influences and embrace confirmation bias. Only seek information that already supports your existing beliefs. Live in an echo chamber. It feels real nice not having anyone disagree.


Speak before you listen, and don't actually listen when it's the other person's turn. They might have something to say that could disturb your way of thinking.


Blame everyone else and never take responsibility. It's their fault, anyway. Focus on the sawdust, not your planks.


Prefer pessimism. See the worst in everyone. Guilty until proven innocent. Everyone is out to get you.


Complain often and with much vigor. If you don't immediately receive validation for your grievances, try doing it louder with more colorful language.


Follow your heart. Rely solely on your emotions for decision-making. Happiness alone is key! Your gut never lies.


Criticize everyone. How else will they learn to see things your way? Start with nagging to warm them up, then cut straight to the hard insults.


Ignore feedback. You risk information overload by hearing others out. They probably have ulterior motives, anyway. This also helps avoid any cognitive dissonance (similar to number 2).


Never back down. This is the most controversial of the ten, because it works both ways, for making the world better and worse. Bold, tenacious, committed effort is essential. Opposition will come, so be ready.


To those opposed to progress, to those who want to move the proverbial ball backwards, I hope this week serves as a reminder of how you're making it happen.
From all of us who suffer from your incessant destruction, we appreciate your efforts. You force us to reckon with the hard questions of personal development and spirituality. You give us a point of reference for what we hope to never become.
We honor you this week and hope you feel included in this dialogue.
Chase Butler

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