And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32 KJV) What is "truth," and how do we get there?" It may seem like such a simple question at first glance, but if you've ever stopped to wonder, you've found that the answer may not always be so simple. I'm so thrilled to announce the release of my brand new book Beliefs: Make You or Break You, as well as the accompanying workbook. The complete bundle package is available now worldwide. It's truly a book unlike any other. As I'm sure you're well aware, beliefs are powerful. Jesus taught that we will be given exactly what we believe. He said that if we have faith and do not doubt, literally nothing shall be impossible for us!
Venturing into the unknown is hard because you never know what you are going to face! All Christians and just everyday people have to do it to some degree, but prophets especially do. I have had some experiences where I am more reticent on some things than I was before. There are places in my life where I wanted to learn and even be mentored some and ended up meeting the devil. Some of you will understand that. But guess what, God was still there, even if not in the form that I wanted Him in. And as imagining people (which we all are) and as prophetic people (and if Christ is in you, so is some of that because He is all things that He gives out), we have to be prepared and understand that every soldier goes through boot camp.
Romans 5:12 Therefore just as through one man sin entered the world and death through sin and thus death spread to all men because all sin. We see in this passage that, through Adam, sin came into the world. God had told Adam, "Hey, you're not supposed to eat of the forbidden fruit that's in the garden." There were two trees in the Garden of Eden. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil and there is the tree of life. God did not forbid Adam to eat from the tree of life, but only from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
If the idea of selling everything and living out of a backpack on the road sounds like a nightmare instead of a grand adventure, this post might not be for you. If challenging the status quo and questioning societal norms in the pursuit of a full and satisfying life sounds intriguing, then let's continue. The beauty of friendship is that conversations tend to draw out aspects of yourself that otherwise would have been left untouched and dormant, or at the very least overlooked or ignored.
About 3 months or so ago I downloaded a training application on my iPhone. My desire was to shed some unnecessary pounds and hopefully get fitter than I was at the time. I still remember the first morning I woke up ready to start using my new cyber training partner. I knew only too well how difficult it can be at times to train all on your own and the difference another voice encouraging you, even if it's an electric one, can make. My information had been uploaded and the program had been set. Three plus months down the road and I am very happy to tell you that I have shed around 18 pounds between exercising and changing my eating habits. I feel better than I have in a long time and among the many things that have been impacted by this change, one of the best ones is how easy it has become to get out of bed in the morning.
My dear maternal grandmother passed down to me a special love for birds. Thankfully, I still have a bird book she gave me when I was just a child. I've spent quite a few years watching these beautiful creatures from afar. Our yard is filled with bird feeders, birdhouses, and even a birdbath. For ages, I've collected bread to take to places where birds gather, so I feel comforted to know that their bellies are full. When my girls were small, we often went to feed the birds together. I often reminded them of the scripture that declares—if He fed the birds of the air, He would not fail to provide for us.
The Lord has been speaking to me about the time that we are in right now as prophetic scribes. I thought today was an ideal time to share this encouraging word with you. I believe it applies to those who have earnestly wanted to pursue educational and entrepreneurial goals but were met with setbacks, closed doors, and tremendous discouragement. I pray that it blesses you immensely. I heard this: Now is the time for my people to strategically enter the next phase of their educational journey (JD, PhD, doctoral, etc.) and training initiatives in certain professional and specialty areas in their lives like advocacy, political science, chaplaincy, counseling, medicine, etc.
For those who have been feeling overwhelmed, oppressed and sensing the heaviness in the atmosphere, there is a soul-sucking spirit that is trying to suffocate our message, stifle our voice and steal our promise and hope. The work of Leviathan is baiting us through false reports, exaggerated claims and outright lies. Just like the snake he is, his coils are tightening around the church in hopes that we'll choke on our own words and quickly surrender to avoid his death grip (see Job 41:15-16). Those who have aligned themselves with this principality in high places of government have gotten so brazen, they're not even hiding anymore. Their goals of socializing our nation and making us subservient to their demands is now their heralded message of hope.
At Pentecost (May 31, 2020), the Lord spoke to me that in 7 weeks—July 19, 2020—the Gate of Joy would open over people. You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever! Psalm 30:11–12 NLT This month joy is returning to the house! There is going to be a major change in the spiritual atmosphere in the middle of the month, and you will be able to hear God more clearly. Hope is being restored to many people. It is available to you, but you might need to press through to get it. Not everyone will recognize this. It will be important to get this impartation from Heaven yourself, then reach out to others with hope and encouragement.
A lot of us are in process right now. Don't get in a hurry. The world is not coming to an end. Things may be changing, but it's not doomsday. It's time to awaken the ekklesia. I get wearied when hearing modern "Christian" lingo as we face unfamiliar happenings in the world. There is a defeated, helpless mentality that echoes what has been said repetitively causing inaction for way too many years. Then those things get thrown into helpless, hopeless buckets. There are many. The one I'm thinking about at this moment is the, "It's the End-Times, You Know" bucket. I'm sorry dear soul. It's not. Nor is it time to escape. It's not time to endlessly stream on-demand zombie apocalypse movies.