Matthew 6:33 (NIV) says, "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." The key to living the abundant life God has for us is learning to make Him our first priority. Yet many people seek the "things" first, things like jobs, houses, cars or other material things. To seek means "to crave, pursue, to make sacrifices to get, to go after with all of your strength and all of your heart." It's a mistake to crave and pursue possessions, believing they will give us the lasting peace, joy and contentment that only come from God's presence in our lives. Take a moment and ask yourself, "What am I seeking? What do I spend most of my time thinking or talking about? How do I invest the majority of my energy?" These are important questions you need to answer from your heart.
This afternoon I was looking at an old notebook from 1991. I always loved spending hours studying the Word of God and taking notes. Even as a young believer I understood the transforming power of the Word of God. I learned that Jesus was with God in the beginning when He created the world, and He has given us the same creative power in our words, therefore we could speak things into existence. We could speak to mountains to be cast into the sea and it will obey. I understood the covenant that Jesus established with us when He died on the cross, and I knew that healing is always Gods will for us.
Every influential person has gone through a step-by-step process to their ultimate success. If you follow the same pattern, you too can discover ultimate success. That's one of the many wonders of human behavior. If you desire something, you can find someone else who has achieved what you want and imitate exactly what was done. This is called modeling. The Apostle Paul referred to modeling when he wrote, "And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1 NLT). Have you heard the story of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen who co-authored Chicken Soup for the Soul together? In creating and publishing this bestseller, they went through the same process every successful person has gone through.
Sir Winston Churchill is credited with first saying, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." He stated it in the mind-1940s as we approached the end of Word War II. Rahm Emanuel used this expression during the great recession of 2008. And we hear it often when areas of life are monetized or politicized. I was praying Friday morning during my daily activities, and as I began to pray in the spirit, I heard the voice of the spirit. "Son, you have heard it said, never let a good crisis go to waste."
As we come into 2021, we enter the Hebrew month of Shevat, which is the Babylonian name for the 11th month on the religious calendar and the 5th month on the civil calendar, which begins Wednesday, January 13 at sundown. This is a month where we remember the abundance of God coming forth into the earth. In this month, is the celebration of is Tu B'Shevat on 15 Shevat, which begins sundown on January 27- sundown on January 28, in which another New Year on the Hebrew calendar is recognized. Tu B'Shevat represents the bringing forth of produce from the trees after a rainy season.
God is the Master Re-Designer! He is transforming the struggle, trial and pain of 2020 into a place of great harvest, grace and power. "I Didn't See That Coming!" Many have said this over the last year. Many have walked through some very difficult things that they just didn't see coming. We all go through moments and times of pain. It's especially difficult when that pain includes other people. Sometimes you find yourself in a conflict with someone you never thought you'd have an issue with. You can feel mistreated and hurt by their words and attitudes.
Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you. Zachariah 9:12 NIV Have you felt as though you are in prison or being held captive in your own home? The Lord is going to restore you, and there is going to be double blessing come as a result of your suffering. We entered into a new season as of December 31, 2020. We might still be dealing with the pandemic, but the tables have turned to our favor. There is now a flow from Heaven for breakthrough! Watch for the release of healing anointing and refreshment that will flow like a river.
There are all kinds of meetings and we need to learn about them. There are rally meets where we gather together to lift up Jesus and talk about Him some and then offer an altar call.  If the Spirit in the meeting is true, His Presence will draw people into His Kingdom of God where they will get saved and take up a conversation and continue that (because He is lifted up). People will repent because they want to "renew" to be right with Him and know more of Him. It takes an anointed pastor/leader gift to do that.  Many church services have been like this for years and we have been blessed by them in a big way!  But it is not all there is.
I once saw someone who I haven't seen in years and upon seeing them I asked them how they were doing? They replied that they are living the dream. Nowadays to say living the dream may mean the opposite while to others it is a reality.  To many people living the dream seems impossible though. And can you blame them? Their lives didn't go as planned and things are not going their way. But the fact remains that deep down in each of us lies dreams. Dreams to achieve incredible things. Dreams to be more than what others say we are.  People love to put limits on others and we even put limits on ourselves so many people never see the dream come true.
A little over 18 months ago, the Lord began to speak to me about exposure. I recently revisited that word, and the Lord began to speak to me in a fresh way about this. I believe there is about to be an exposure of evil and corruption in America and in the nations of the world. This exposure will take place in many realms of influence, including government, entertainment and media, professional sports and in the church.