Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? Matthew 11:2 This chapter is so interesting when you examine the processes that John the Baptist was going through in prison, when he sent messengers to Jesus. This question in the title of this message means something has changed with John in his perception of Jesus, and his expectation of the Messiah. When you research how John recognizes Jesus, as the Messiah you have to go to John 1, to see what God said and revealed to him in the wilderness.
"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let the one who hears say, 'Come!' Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life." (Rev. 22:17) Let those willing to listen to the sweet voice of the Master hear what the Spirit is saying to the church at this critical time. (Rev. 2:17) For the Heavenly Bridegroom Jesus is standing and calling to His Bride. I hear His tender call to come away with Him, to share a meal as close intimate friends in Holy Communion. For the Lord is singing a love song over His church.
"Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Revelation 19:10b So many are worried about "false prophecy." Let me share the whole verse, because it is important: "And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, 'See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.'" We don't worship man (or angels). We worship God! People who are overly concerned about "missing it" are in fear, worrying about how people will see THEM.
Will you allow it to unfold in your life? Yes, if you watch the news then you will see that we are living in some very prophetic times. We are witnessing and living among wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and of course the pandemic. "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit. 1 Peter 3:18 Can I show you a beautiful picture of God's love for you found in the story of Daniel? In Daniel's case, the law of the land was violated and, in spite of his love for Daniel, the king had to carry out the law and punish Daniel. If he hadn't, he would have been an unrighteous king. Now, imagine if someone came again a year later to accuse Daniel of this crime and asked for Daniel to be punished again, what would the king do?
Each of us is part of a family. We have or had parents and siblings; we may have nieces or nephews, and some of us have children and perhaps grandchildren. The writer of Proverbs suggested this profound wisdom for family life: "Through wisdom is a house built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms will be filled with all precious and pleasant riches" (Prov. 24:3-4). The idea behind this verse is that relationships within the family system take wisdom, understanding and knowledge. Family life offers us the opportunity to practice our relational skills. Think about it. You are most like your true self when you're at home, right? There is no pretending at home.
The year 2020 was a year that we will never forget. It seemed as if a dark cloud hovered over our nation, and the heavens were as brass. We heard people repeatedly say, "Things can't get any worse." But even in the darkest of times the Lord says: "Be still and know that I am God." The Holy Spirit is about to move in a mighty way once again. In October 2019, I shared a prophetic word titled "The Roaring 20's." I wrote about the 1920's which brought about a major change to our culture and impacted all aspects of society in our country. I shared the comparison of the 1920's to this decade of the 2020's.
God is calling us to rise up as the Sons (and Daughters) of God in order to manifest His glory. This is only possible with faith. Faith is a master key that creates and unlocks our internal doors and spiritual gateways. It is one thing to have faith IN God; it is another to have the faith OF God. The plane of faith and the degree of godly character we master determines the depth, height, width and breadth of the future we will decide to demonstrate. Faith defines the levels of God's grandeur we will choose to exhibit in our life.
I recently had a very powerful prophetic dream. In the dream, I saw millions of angels standing shoulder to shoulder. It was almost like they were standing at attention waiting for a command. Then the dream shifted, and I was in an apartment that looked like it was out of the 1980s. I was looking at a collection of pictures hanging on one of the walls when the Lord spoke to me in the dream and said, "Brace yourself, there is an earthquake coming."
What is the possibility that you could be a Pharisee? What are the signs—or warning signals? I list 10 below, though there are many more. But these are a good start. Chances are You are a Pharisee if°You love to point the finger. The devil is a master at this; that's why he is called "the accuser" (Rev. 12:10, ESV). You must choose whether you want to play the devil and point the finger, or be Jesus, who lets us save face. Jesus actually gives us a selfish motivation for not pointing the finger. "Do not judge, and you will not be judged" (Luke 6:37, NIV). You are good at sending people on a guilt trip. The Pharisees tried to do a "Gotcha!" again and again because of the fact that Jesus performed miracles on the Sabbath and allowed other things to be done on the Sabbath that seemed to go against the Law. For example, when His disciples were hungry on the Sabbath and plucked heads of grain and began to eat, the Pharisees seized the moment to condemn both Jesus and His disciples.