The Lord has given us keys to unlock His mysteries. These are a perfect solution to Satan's perfect pandemic storm of sickness, death, violence and fear. This is a powerful time of repayment of things that God has been holding back for your special time of "pass over." "Like birds hovering overhead, the Lord Almighty will shield Jerusalem; he will shield it and deliver it, he will 'pass over' it and will rescue it." Isaiah 31:5 NIV We're entering the season of Passover to Pentecost, which is a powerful time to hear the Lord. He is releasing instructions and strategies to get into position for when He allows things to "pass over" you. But God often speaks in mysterious ways.
Recently in a time of worship at our church, the Lord spoke to me and said, "I'm looking for kingdom lightning rods." After several days of prayer and study, I received revelation about what the Lord meant by this. In the natural, a lightning rod absorbs the shock and intense heat that a bolt of lightning releases when it strikes.
The New Wineskin is the Temple presently being refashioned for God's Glory and for Christ's return. It rises in conformity to God as His final resting place—a sanctuary for His eternal habitation. After Israel left Egypt, God instructed Moses to, "Build Me a sanctuary!" After David received the blueprint for the Temple, to House the Presence of God, he tells Solomon his son, "Be strong and do the work." "Every part of this plan," David told Solomon, "was given to me in writing from the hand of the LORD." Then David continued, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly. 1 Chronicles 28:19-20
The Lord is calling for first-time obedience and quick discipline. He is giving believers instructions, and He is giving us orders to accomplish them. But what are we doing with the revelation He is releasing? As I've been receiving this word over the last week, I have felt it is in many areas for believers such as finances, eating, physical fitness, health ailments, deliverance and ministry launching. The Lord has given instructions on the ministry you should release, how to have entrepreneurial income streams, how to pray and manifest your healing and even how much time people should spend in the Word of God and prayer daily.
For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their Yes [answer] in Him [Christ]. For this reason we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God through Him [in His Person and by His agency] to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20, AMPC Where is this secret place of the Most High and how do you get there? Before I answer this question, I want you to be careful of preaching and teaching about Psalm 91 that make "the secret place of the Most High" a place that only an elite few can go to, while the rest of us have no access to it because we haven't done enough, such as pray for eight hours.
Just as there are distinctive signs and characteristics for spiritual gifts like apostles and prophets, there are also distinctive signs of prophetic scribes. Those distinctions, when stretched out line-upon-line, unveil layer upon layer of evidence that clearly identifies the release of the scribal anointing operating in the lives of believers today. There are 8 signs easily visible in the lives of those with a scribal calling based on Scripture and biblical scribal history as well as observations and revelation gained through leading, guiding and mentoring others.
Have you ever found yourself in need of a breakthrough? Maybe you need one now. I cannot begin to tell you how many times breakthrough has been needed and found in my life. Breakthrough comes in so many different forms. It can be personal or for others. But in every case it is about God breaking in to a situation to break us out into a better place! The other day I was planting "herb" seeds with my son. I cannot remember the last time I did any gardening – but I was amazed at just how small these seeds were. They were ridiculously tiny!
We all have issues. It's just a fact of life. And when the issues we are concerned about are beyond our control, we tend to worry and stress over them. Then, we do irrational things, such as eating everything unhealthy in our homes or running to the nearest fast-food restaurant to get something even more unhealthy. In addition to whatever mental and emotional stress we feel regarding the "mini-crisis" in our world, we now have just added physical stress to our bodies in terms of additional pounds.
As we journey further into this new year of 2021, I believe the Lord is laying the groundwork for one of the greatest outpourings of Revival we have seen – an outpouring of faith and evangelism, and the release of God's destiny upon His people. While this may seem far-reaching, especially in light of the challenges we have faced across the nations in this past season, the Father is calling to you – reminding you of the exceedingly great and precious promises He has for you! He is affirming you that the challenges in your life that have held you back, WILL fall. Threads of past failures, hurt, and rejection will wither away, as His love fills you with a faith like never before.
Where is the explosive dunamis power seen in the New Testament today? When will the Church be established in the "multiplied" "grace & peace" of God? Have you set your sights too low. We are by the Lord: "Your heavenly Father knows your need. First pursue the kingdom of God & His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. So don't worry for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself" (Mt.6:32b-34a; 21CLV). This is Christ calling us to "trust" God in childlike faith (Pro.3:5-6; Mt.18:4-5).