Genesis 15:6 (AMP) says, "Then Abram believed in (affirmed, trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to) the Lord; and He counted (credited) it to him as righteousness (doing right in regard to God and man)." Righteousness is also defined as being in right standing with God. Nelson's Bible Dictionary defines faith as a belief in or confident attitude toward God, involving commitment to his will for one's life. Nelson also says belief is to place one's trust in God's truth. A person who believes is one who takes God at his word and trusts in him for salvation. Additionally, one of Webster's definitions of believe is having a wholehearted persuasion! We are in challenging times! I should be worried, fearful and maybe even upset. Instead, I am embracing joy, peace and happiness. Does that make sense naturally? Nope!
Whether you realize it or not, every moment of your life you are in an unseen, invisible war between good and evil, darkness and light. The reason is that Satan and his kingdom of darkness, lies and destruction are continually coming against God and His kingdom of light, love and goodness. Friction and conflict occur in the spiritual realm as Satan comes to oppose God's prophecies and will for your life. There is a direct correlation between the natural and the spiritual realms. What happens in the spiritual realm occurs in the natural and the other way around.
I'll never forget the first time I experienced the prophetic anointing. I was a freshman in college. We were having a prayer meeting in one of the dorm rooms. As we were holding hands in a circle praying, it felt like someone threw a blanket over my head. The feeling was so real I opened my eyes. There was no blanket, but I still felt the sensation. I was experiencing a prophetic mantle for the first time. As I looked around the room, I knew things about each person. As I shared what God was showing me each one was deeply ministered to as God spoke to the secrets of their hearts.
We are living in a season that is pregnant with purpose and promise. In the days ahead we will see believers mantled with a powerful anointing and empowered to do all that Jesus has created them to do. In the midst of what appears to be a dark season of opposition, there will be a sudden shift in the spirit realm. We are coming into a time that we will experience supernatural miracles, astonishing breakthroughs and divine encounters. The Lord is not finished with His church. The Holy Spirit wants to invade your homes with His glory.
We all know people who are not open or receptive to God or us. I typically move on to people that are open, to buy time for the Holy Spirit to do His job and ripen the fruit. I think they can feel the abandonment in that attitude of leaving them behind. By contrast, Jesus opens hearts and minds, and I believe it is part of our calling as sons to do the same. There is a way to open hearts – It's purpose! Luke 24:32 – They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked of us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" NIV Luke 24:45 – Then he opened their minds (nous) so they could understand the Scriptures. NIV
"And these signs shall follow them that believe°" (Mark 16:17 KJV) "Miracles."  "Signs."  "Wonders."  I want to see even more, and I refuse to settle for anything less.  Today, even after all these years within prophetic ministry, I find myself just as hungry for the supernatural as ever before.  There would be no Identity Network without the supernatural.  It's the basis of all that we do.  Personally, I choose to believe that life within the Kingdom of Heaven is, by definition, naturally supernatural.
What is your "just one thing?" Phil Cooke, a media consultant producer, says in his book, One Big Thing, that we were all born to do one big thing. He also says that when we discover our "one big thing," a revolution will occur in the world around us. Phil asserts that it is time to cut through the clutter and to ignore distractions in pursuit of your "one big thing." Graham Cooke, the prophet and writer, teaches that each one of us have been assigned a certain attribute of the character of God which we are called to exhibit during our tenure on earth.
There are apparently a lot of pastors who have dropped out of the ministry, from a report I heard. But I can tell you that most of those were following another minister and not the Lord Himself. There are some wonderful pastors and ministers, and there are many good messages! But if you don't know THE LORD Himself, you will question your faith at some point. And then so will those who follow you or them. Many people do things because it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
Some of you are going through the most gut-wrenching, heart-rending time of your lives, and what is happening in the world right now isn't really on your radar because you're dealing with so much personal pain, suffering, and loss. Your world has been torn apart. It's numbing and overwhelming, all at the same time, and has left you deeply cut, dazed, and bruised. It's like one day you woke up and your whole life unexpectedly, and rather harshly, changed forever. You've been trying to process it, but you can't because it doesn't make sense. No understanding, just heartbreak and cold silence.
The Lord has given us keys to unlock His mysteries. These are a perfect solution to Satan's perfect pandemic storm of sickness, death, violence and fear. This is a powerful time of repayment of things that God has been holding back for your special time of "pass over." "Like birds hovering overhead, the Lord Almighty will shield Jerusalem; he will shield it and deliver it, he will 'pass over' it and will rescue it." Isaiah 31:5 NIV We're entering the season of Passover to Pentecost, which is a powerful time to hear the Lord. He is releasing instructions and strategies to get into position for when He allows things to "pass over" you. But God often speaks in mysterious ways.