Jesus wants to take the body of Christ to a higher place. We are his beloved, his chosen people, his remnant and his warriors. He desires to show us things in the Spirit realm and give us revelation that we've not yet discovered. Some of you are going to begin to see things from an "aerial view." In order to see things from an aerial view you must first be in an elevated place. He is calling each one of us to come up to a higher plateau where we will see from a different perspective.
God is the brilliant Father of Light. His living Word is a master key that is a powerful, creative light force. God sends His Word to heal and deliver us from all forms of destruction. His Word will never return to Him void; instead, it will undertake and complete what it was sent to accomplish. The light beam of God's Word illumines our path to cause us to see where to step in the dark (Psalm 119:105). The positive living words we speak, and the creative words spoken over us have the power to generate life. Inspirational words that are believed have the capacity to shift us into a higher sphere of increase.
When I first came to the Lord one of the most important things I learned was how to take captive every thought. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
You can learn how to correctly bind and loose in the realm of the spirit from a heavenly place. God desires you to be firmly rooted in your heavenly identity. When you know who you really are the enemy can never lie to you again or keep you in a place of bondage. When you understand your heavenly identity, you will have power and authority to command your atmosphere and shut down every demonic assignment set against you or your family. Ephesians 2:6 says that we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, far above every power and principality. You are not fighting for victory today, but from victory. The enemy is already a defeated foe.
"Be still and know that I AM God and that I will be with you through the storm, through the fire, and through the flood. You might say, 'What must I do to be saved, to be free from all torment and despair?' Draw close to Me in the secret place and know that all things work together for your good and for the good of your loved ones if you have committed them into My care. Believe that I use all things to conform you into My Image. When I allow the fires, the floods, and every other type of adversity, I AM only allowing you to be able to test My faithfulness so you will see that I AM with you always even to the end of time.
As Christians we must have faith, but how do we know if we have enough faith? If we don't have faith, we can't be Spirit-led. If we aren't Spirit-led, change, growth and transformation are not possible. Faith is enough if it moves us to do what God tells us or shows us to do. Our faith in Him must overcome any fear of us taking what might feel like a risky step, kind of like Abraham did when God told him to leave his homeland. (See Heb. 11:8-9, NIV.) Just what is this thing called faith? It is said to be the "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see," (Heb.11:1). The Amplified Bible defines assurance as the title deed of things divinely guaranteed.
"Yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant." Job 14:9 One morning my sweet wife brought a pot of flowers to my attention, a pot we had forgotten for a few days. Not on purpose, just overlooked because it was in an out-of-the-way place. When we discovered the dead flowers, we almost gave up and threw them away. For some reason, I just could not give up on them. Though they were dead and ugly with no life left in them, I saw them as they could be - beautiful. I moved the container into the sun for better warmth and watered them daily, speaking uplifting words of life over them. These flowers belonged to me; I would not quit on them or give up - not yet.
The Spirit says, "You ask Me what I'm doing. You ask Me why the painful process. You wonder what has changed. I'll tell you. Though the prince of darkness has sought to change the rules, I have not changed! My standard has not changed. The plumb line of My Father's house has not changed. That which was created and formed from the foundation of the throne has not changed. I am holy, and I am Spirit!" the Lord says. "This cannot be altered. It cannot be compromised. It is only in My holiness that you can access My grace. It is only through My Spirit that you can have true power. Without My holiness and without My Spirit, you have nothing!"
I tell you by the Spirit of God, we are on the verge of a powerful move of God that we have no context for. The Sound of Heaven is about to reverberate throughout the nations and what has been shaking will reveal what has been hidden and concealed for decades, some even for generations. While He is most certainly working through people to accomplish His plan, there are just some things only He can supernaturally bring about, and that's what we are on the verge of.
And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures. Luke 24:45 NKJV The Lord is releasing fresh new revelation and deeper understanding through the Bible into situations in your life. As the Word of God is illuminated to you, your Bible will become a prophetic road map for you! Powerful biblical principles are being released that can change your life instantly. As you apply them, you will be able to resolve problems and make decisions. Greater understanding of the Bible is needed to connect us to the heart of God—and intimacy with the Lord is a key in this new season we are stepping into.