Have you ever had an area in your life where God has given you promise and for whatever reason dropped the ball with it or just let it go? Maybe the waiting, circumstances and the cares of life choked out that promise but God wants to restore it to you! Nothing is impossible with God. Believe the Lord to reignite faith and fire to see the fruition of all that He has promised in your life!
This morning the Lord showed me racehorses standing at a gate ready to run a race. They were not just average horses, but they were thoroughbred horses that were equipped and groomed to run with speed and endurance. They were tenacious, strong, built up and trained to respond to detailed instructions. They were fit with the correct bridle and bit in their mouth and disciplined to follow their master's commands.
The Lord has been burning this on my heart for several days. He gave me a picture of many people who have been in different types of prisons; financial, relational, occupational, emotional, physical, and the like. These have been years and years in their prisons, and one would think this would be their normal state of being, for the rest of their lives. These are people have been misunderstood, ignored, judged, falsely accused, and ridiculed. These prisoners have also been told their lives would never amount to anything. Many have lost heart. They have no real age, or wisdom at this point in time, just regular, 'Joes.' God has heard their cries!
God is sending a miracle to your life! He also is going to heal the sick through you and bring mighty breakthrough. God desires to release creative miracles to you and through your life to others. Jesus came preaching the gospel, teaching the good news, healing the sick and setting the oppressed free. These four things are the hallmarks of Christ's ministry on the earth and as His body we are called to release this same ministry today.
There is a charge being heralded from heaven to raise up an army of faithful soldiers who are called to "fall in" for active service. The generals of this army have already been selected by God. He's been watching in secret, testing and observing those whom He knows He can trust to lead this final quest and army of people; those who have learned to listen well and obey quickly. These generals are the "hidden ones" who, until now, have been through the fire, refined in the desert and survived betrayal, accusations and misunderstandings, but have remained humble, teachable and unoffendable.
The Lord has been speaking to me for quite a few years now about a major wave of deliverance coming to the body of Christ like we have never seen before. I believe we have now entered that time, where the Lord is delivering His people in power in ways we have never experienced. Recently I heard the Lord say, "Now is the time for 24-hour, major, monumental deliverance." When He spoke these words, they resounded loudly in my spirit. He is moving in so much power, upon many right now, that monumental change will take place in a day. Things will look one way and then, suddenly, the mighty wind of the Holy Spirit will come in power and bring significant deliverance and complete change.
A silk merchant in China in 200 B.C. would have faced a months-long journey to transport his goods to what is now the Middle East and Europe. Over the centuries, the routes traveled by merchants from the East became known as the Silk Road, one of the earliest attempts at globalizing markets. Today, a Chinese silk merchant would put his goods on one of many websites where buyers from around the world could shop. What used to take months on the Silk Road now takes only minutes on the "internet road."
I recently had an open vision of many eagles flying over America. In the vision, as the eagles soared through the air, they would take the roofs off of the buildings they flew over. As these roofs were removed, some buildings exploded with the fire of God, and others were simply exposed. Some of the buildings were homes where individuals and families lived, and others were churches, businesses or government buildings. As soon as the Lord gave me this vision, He began to reveal to me the prophetic significance of this vision. Many times the Lord will use eagles to represent those who operate with an apostolic or prophetic anointing.
As we're running this race called life, it's helpful to remember where we are headed. If we are in Christ and are running this race the way He wants us to, then we are bound for glory. In the midst of our daily trials and tribulations, though, we quickly understand that our physical bodies have limitations, aches, pains, diseases and will eventually expire. I'm glad there is part of us that will live on forever. That is the real essence of us, our souls and spirits. It's hard not to focus on the fact that suffering is part of living in our current bodies of flesh, but suffering for Christ is not losing. It is winning. Romans 8:18 (NLT) tell us that "what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later."
The King's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. (Psalms 45:13) This is our hour and season to be that radiant Bride, to shine forth the goodness of God. He delights in drawing close to His Bride. His eyes are always on us, and His beloved shall flourish once more - brighter, sweeter, lovelier, more beautiful, more glorious, purer, increasingly radiant, and fairer than any other! They shall carry the glorious presence of their Lord and shall flourish forever in the courts of our God! You can hear their cries from the secret place singing as one: "Yea, he is altogether lovely." (Song of Solomon 5:16).