The God we "serve" isn't really looking for servants. He is not the King of servants; He is the King of kings. Our Father isn't looking for compliant submission from servants. His heart is longing for collaborative creativity from sons. He treasures two things: 1) sons who are conversant and conversational about His Purpose, and 2) sons who can creatively initiate its implementation on earth. Sons know their Father's business and do it from the heart, not the letter.
At one of my Gospel Truth Seminars, I ministered to a man who had detached retinas. I was standing right in front of him, and he said I was just a blur. With the service about to start, I only had a moment to minister, so I told him to come forward at the end, and one of our prayer ministers would continue the process. He did and, after further ministry, gave a great testimony. Not only could he see me clearly, but he could see the faces of the people at the back of the auditorium. Thank You, Jesus! That's a miracle!
WORSHIP ME! says the Lord. The Lord spoke to me yesterday and said, "There is a big difference between church worship and God worship. Church worship is when you lift up a certain group or person and God worship is when you lift up Me, the Lord." (And then I thought, Lord, are you wanting me to give this word??? Because I know how that will go over! But then He asked if I wanted His Presence, and I said "Yes, I do! I certainly do!") He continued, "In church worship, people worship the pastor. With God worship, they worship Me. In church worship, they focus on all the things related to the church. In God worship, they are seeking on how to please Me."
"I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty." Isaiah 6:5 "With it he touched my mouth and said, 'See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.'" Isaiah 6:7 Some have asked me what I had asked forgiveness for. And I say to them that if I have not offended you, then I thank the Lord for that. I have asked the Lord to forgive me and He forgives and forgets, and I should do the same.
We know all too well that life in the Kingdom is filled with signs and that Heaven is always looking for new and unique ways to capture our hearts and attention. What's even more shocking, though, is just how far and to what extent these signs fill our daily lives with each and every passing moment. Through signs, patterns and those bizarre and uncanny moments of synchronicity, Heaven is always speaking and calling out to us. As the ancient church fathers wrote, "God has many ways of drawing us unto Himself." As I've said many times throughout the years, not only is God speaking to His wonderful Creation, but He's speaking through it as well. One such way Heaven captures our attention is through the use of numbers.
God is inviting us into His presence in a new way. Psalm 84:1-2 How lovely are Your dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! My soul (my life, my inner self) longs for and greatly desires the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God. God is raising up a people who will live and dwell in His manifest presence. They will be filled with peace and joy during a time of chaos, crises and stress. I encourage you to go into your secret place and talk to God. God is going to visit you there. He's going to fill your room with His glory. He's going to refresh you and restore your mind and soul.
One of the keys to answered prayer is to believe you receive when you pray. "...What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." (Mark 11:24) The faith principle of Mark 11:23 states that you can have what you say. It is a faith principle which you can employ every day by speaking right words. Another key to answered prayer is to speak in agreement with your prayers daily. Control the words that come out of your mouth. For example, one day I was having a problem with a tractor. It had given me trouble a couple of times and I wanted to say, "That thing comes apart every time I take it to the field." I knew better than to say it, but it just rose up within me and it wanted to come out so bad.
Most Christians want to serve God but many miss this one big key. We can only serve God in the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 12:1-2 tells us about how we must surrender ourselves to God to be His sacred living sacrifices and then be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit. After we have laid down our selfish desires and learn to lean on the Holy Spirit, then we can begin serving God. In order to do this, He starts showering us with His grace gifts so we can do the tasks He has called us to do.
What do you think about when you think of "excellence?" Some may think of perfectionism. When we are talking about God, we have to understand that He is the Author of excellence and is excellent! When we look up the word "excellent" in the Hebrew it has so many positive explicit and implicit meanings. Here are just a few: abundance, increased, huge, plenty, multitude, numerous and more.
God reveals Himself to us at the level of our spiritual hunger and desire. There is always a death of the old in a transitional season so that the new wineskin can be formed. Prophet Seer Samuel, who was taught by Eli, both saw and heard the Lord's coming. This spiritual increase brought forth and established a new era of hearing, seeing and prophesying words that did not fall to the ground. We find ourselves in the very same new era today. The seer anointing that opened our eyes to be able see into the invisible realms of the Spirit was poured out for the last ten years. Now the era of the mouth has begun.