What do you crave? Is it something God doesn't want you to crave? Is it more important to you than God? If you want it just because you want it, you may be living by following your desires and cravings rather than the power of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:16,18 (TPT) tells us, "As you yield to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self-life. When your self-life craves the things that offend the Holy Spirit you hinder him from living free within you! And the Holy Spirit's intense cravings hinder your self-life from dominating you! .... But when you yield to the life of the Spirit, you will no longer be living under the law, but soaring above it!"
The other week I had a dream, and I heard the Lord say, "The greater the battle, the bigger the miracle." When He spoke these words I felt great hope, full of expectation, being released in the dream. I felt such an increase in the demonstrative power of God to turn impossibility on its head. I could also see that the Spirit of God was bringing comfort to those who have been in major battles. I could feel the weariness of these many saints who have been saying, "The battle has been so great."
The Great Commission should be imbued with the essence and mission of every local church. This is especially true if we are devoted to the "apostles doctrine" the way the early church was (Acts 2:42). The early church was always "missional" because it was "apostolic." The word "apostle" comes from the Greek word apostello, which means "sent one." The Latin word for apostello is missio, from which the word "mission" or "missionary" is derived. Paul, the great church planter, who wrote about one-third of the New Testament, was focused because he knew he was a "sent one." Titus 1:1 (ESV) says, "Paul, a servant of God and an apostle [sent one] of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the faith of God's elect and their knowledge of the truth."
In my prophetic word for 2022, released last January, the Lord gave me several timing words that have all come to pass. Particularly what took place during Passover to Pentecost - there was a release of healing and revelation. The Lord spoke to me, "There will be a major release of fresh new spiritual gifts in July 2022. The Lord is bringing a new revelation into numbers, dates, times and seasons. This will bring about some new revelation into your life and propel the world of medicine and science to bring about medical cures and a radical change in the way we do things. During this time, the Lord will also release a new wave of healing power and anointing over sickness and disease."
Today as I was praying the spirit of the Lord began to speak and show me a vision that we must pray into this season. I see churches throughout the world, some are small and yet many are large. Some were opening the doors to only a few, while others were overflowing with people. In the image there were no two alike, yet all were churches with people that thought they were in the right place and time.
This week, someone said to me, "You can't live in your emotions and fulfill your assignment at the same time. It's like trying to serve two gods or being 'double-minded.'" My heart lept -- knowing that the truth for me was the opposite. Emotions are a vital part of what it means to be a human being made in the image of God and redeemed in Jesus Christ. Certainly, the Lord understands our emotions (since He created us with the capacity to feel and express them), and He expresses His own emotions flawlessly.
Jesus' name is listed in the Bible 1,281 times, more than any other individual. The next most mentioned person in the Bible is David, at 971 times, and we can learn so much by studying his life. David went through many struggles, failures and battles, yet he stayed faithful to God. He knew how to keep spiritually strong, even when his trials and tests were overwhelming. David's worst day is described in 1 Samuel 30, when the Amalekites raided his camp at Ziklag. These terrorists kidnapped all the women and children, torched the city and looted everything.
Imagine that someone very close to you receives a prophetic word which also impacts you and requires your participation. Not only do you have to trust that the person received and heard the word correctly, you also must decide to align with the word over your life. How would you respond? Would you demand the Lord give you the word individually, easily align with the word, question the individual, ask for a sign or ask God the next question?
I've been to many conferences, church services and home groups where the Holy Spirit begins to move, and some people get so intoxicated in the anointing while others just don't receive anything. Why is it that some people are so sensitive to the Holy Spirit and others don't even recognize His presence? I'm going to share how any Holy Spirit filled believer could become more sensitive to Him, hear His voice and discern His leading.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is so essential for our walk with God, and it's been a long time since I've heard anyone talk about this subject. Ever since I gave my life to Jesus I've practiced "praying in the spirit." In a nutshell I got addicted to enjoying the Presence of God! Turning on some worship music I would engage with God in my heart by just praying in tongues. My heart was connected to the Father in such an intimate way that nothing compared to the simplicity of being with Him. Today I still enjoy that same blessing. When you find the reality of His Presence for your life personally - you always know where to turn! it's never a thought to go anywhere else. Our God is good, and He is the best!