God wants us to be breaking through into new places as He is always calling us to come up higher. All that is required is for us to say "Yes." It is His grace and Spirit that will help us to do all that pleases Him. God does not require us to know all the details of how to do things but looks for simple obedience. When we say yes to Him then He will speak more details to us. He shows us what to do as we give Him the "OK." At this point all He requires from us, as always, is to follow the directions. But what does it take for us to get on His frequency? There has to be a hunger and desire for more of Him, His will, and His desires for our lives. This is the starting point.
As we enter the new year of 2023, we must remember the power and purpose God has given each one of us to impact the earth today for His kingdom. He has given us all we need as children of the inheritance to step into His glorious power and bring change to the earth in His name. The only thing holding us back is our lack of faith and belief in who we are as children of the Most High God. Daily, I see people cowering from the enemy as he continues to perpetrate his lies in the earth and cause us to come into submission to an antichrist spirit of global elitism. It is not God's desire that His people become subject to such forces but that they instead call on the resurrection power of Jesus Christ to bring forth change in the earth today.
How can we be as hungry for God as we are for sugary treats and junk food? How can we crave God instead of the things we know we shouldn't be consuming in huge quantities and causing damage to our bodies. By looking at two contrasting stories in the Bible about food, we can get some answers. The first story has to do with Eli the priest and his priestly sons. The sons were taking meat from sacrifices before they were supposed to. They were also doing other evil things. God warned Eli about it and told him if they didn't stop both Eli and his sons would die. God even gave the same message to the boy, Samuel, whom Eli was mentoring, and Samuel told it to Eli.
Last week I began a series regarding reasons for your personal stress and depression. For the first five points, please refer back to that article. Here are five more reasons you may find yourself buried in personal stress and depression: 6. Stress management and the "Ball in a box syndrome" Many of us have experienced the loss of a loved one through death or alienation. This can change the contour of our whole being, often resulting in severe pain that can be continually triggered by a hurtful memory or by daily life routines and experiences. Severe pain may stay with us for the rest of our life; however, the nature of grieving is that it will eventually dissipate gradually as time elapses.
The Lord is making a new way for us. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV The Lord is bringing us out of a wilderness time. He is going to bring new understanding so that we can perceive what He's doing. A few keys: do not dwell on the past. The Lord is creating new ways of doing things that will break us out of the patterns and attacks that have been holding us back. There will also be a new flow of the Holy Spirit. Refreshment, joy, having fun, laughing, and dancing are keys to break free.
David prayed, "But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory and the one who lifts my head high" (Ps. 3:3, NIV). A shield is a common symbol of God's protection. Shields were used in defensive warfare. According to Smith's Bible Dictionary, "The ordinary shield consisted of a framework of wood covered with leather; it thus admitted of being burnt. It was frequently cased with metal, either brass or copper." Here's the thing: weapons couldn't get past the shield. You are in a major battle with the enemy of your soul. One of his primary targets is your mind. If he can get you wrapped up in faulty thinking and focused on what-ifs and what-thens, you will live a distracted life. Rather than centering your focus on Christ, you'll be focused on all your worries and all that could possibly go wrong. We need to shield our thinking.
The power of sonship releases confidence and purpose into your life. Operating out of the power of sonship means that you receive the love of the Father and step into your identity as a child and heir. The Holy Spirit Himself will bear witness that you are a child of God. The answer to the question, "What is the spirit of sonship?" can be summed up in Romans 8:1, "...and if children, then heirs - heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ..." God wants you to operate out of the power of sonship.
When I was filled with the Holy Spirit many years ago, I knew my Southern Baptist mother probably wouldn't be happy about my Pentecostal experience. She and I shared the same core beliefs in Jesus and salvation, of course. But I knew that some Christian denominations don't encourage believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit or to practice the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament. So, I didn't share my testimony with her for a few years. I'll never forget the day my mother learned of my experience. After she told me a story from her childhood, in which she witnessed some Christians "rolling in the sawdust" at a backwoods Pentecostal meeting, she widened her eyes and asked: "You don't speak in tongues, do you, Lee?"
"My people are shrinking to fit into a space they are not meant for." This morning, the Lord gave me a dream in which round pegs were dropping into square holes. This is an analogy that we usually use where the round peg would not be able to fit into a square hole. However, as I inquired of the Lord about this picture, He said His people are becoming smaller to fit into an expected space.
What's "the word" for 2023? Well, I've read different ones and most all are good! Mostly that it will be a year of retribution. But I did ask the Lord "what the word was" (through me) and He gave me the word, "SHOUT!" For some that is a voice of triumph, for some it is a battle cry, or both, or a pressing through. Shout to the Lord with a Voice of Triumph! It's good for us to hear and speak His Voice. Seems like I hear the Lion's Roar in there too! I've had some dire warnings from the Lord that I don't even want to acknowledge. I'll be honest, some have scared me, even though I know He protects His Own. So, I am GLAD that He just said to "Shout!" Get it out! Get your heart out there that is IN HIM!