My wife, Annette, and I personally witnessed a horrible hurricane in Florida. It destroyed homes, property, infrastructure and most tragically of all, it killed many people. Insurance companies call such events "acts of God," but Jesus told us who is ultimately behind such destruction. John 10:10 (NKJV) states, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Living in a fallen, sin-filled world also produces disaster and damage because the earth rebels against sin, and evil people cause destruction.
What is the Holy Spirit's role in the crucial end times in which we live? How do we rely on Him for truth when we don't know the facts of what is happening? I was troubled recently as people were predicting adverse world events. Prophets, media, and Christians were releasing what appeared to be warnings. I heard people going to the store and stocking up on groceries. I heard the fear and concern in people's voices as I talked to them. I even had someone close to me ask what my prophetic insight was. These predictions had a time stamp on them, and it passed, and nothing happened.
If you've ever had a true encounter with Jesus, you know that the experience is life changing. It will leave you with an unquenchable hunger for more revelation on the things of God. There is a remnant who has experienced the supernatural intervention of God in their personal lives and have known the secrets and mysteries of heaven. They long for such times where the presence of the Holy Spirit fills their homes and churches as they get caught up in the Shekinah Glory. They could never go back and be satisfied with a surface-level Christianity, but instead, they will continually press in for another supernatural encounter.
Part 1 emphasized that we must not let go of this absolute reality: there is a quietness in God that He designed and desires for each of us. And just as importantly, that promise, and grace is also granted and to be seized for our surroundings. But since the prevailing winds of lifestyle in our world today are not conducive to this, many regard God's promise either skeptically, as laughable, or virtually impossible. But again, the absolute reality is there is a quietness in God that He has designed and desires for each of us - one that not only quiets the spirit but restores the soul and will even bring wholeness to the body. Believing that revelation of the Lord, the question most often becomes 'how do I get there from here?'
Prophecy is not magic. In fact, it is not a skill, although some are experienced in it. But that is not the strength of it. Prophecy is not "man" controlled or "man" originated words of God. Prophecy is words of God expressed through man, and the gift is God originated. I believe God would be pleased if everyone could speak the oracles of God because it would mean that they are close enough to Him to do it! Because God is a Spirit, the words of God are close to His Heart, and relate to His will and His intentions. True prophetic words are not meant to show off about the future or anything else but His will, but prophetic words are communications of His will.
Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength....For he shall be like a shrub in the desert and shall not see when good comes. Jeremiah 17:5–6 One of the saddest things about a man who trusts in his strengths and self-efforts—"who ....makes flesh his strength"—is that he cannot see good when it comes his way. As a pastor, I have seen, down through the years, people who don't put their trust in the Lord when it comes to their marriages, finances, and other areas of weakness. They are determined to trust in their own efforts and tend to be rather arrogant and frustrated with the people around them.
When we talk about strongholds, we usually think about the "pulling down of strongholds" as Paul described in 2 Corinthians 10:4. But there are two different areas of strongholds. The strongholds of the enemy keep people bound, but the stronghold of the Lord keeps people safe and secure. There is a stronghold of safety and protection in the secret place of the Most High. We all know about the stronghold of the enemy and have personally experienced his assault on our minds, our bodies, our homes, and our finances.
King David asked God a question I've asked myself many times. "Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again—my Savior and my God!" (Psalms 42:11 NLT). That's what we should do, but many times we don't. The word discouraged means to have lost confidence or enthusiasm, to be disheartened. In modern language that means to be beat down, gloomy, and dismayed. When you are discouraged it's like you have been knocked down and can't get up even after the referee has counted to 10. If you do get up, it's to drag yourself to your bed and stay there. You have no energy.
Dr. Lynn Hiles was in Washington, NC this weekend teaching at The Cave on Friday and Saturday evenings and doing a question and answer session on Saturday morning at the weekly pancake and sausage breakfast. Jay Jones, who heads up the ministry at The Cave had given me a book by Lynn entitled, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." It is perhaps one of the most important books I have ever read. I had the pleasure of hearing Lynn minister in Wallace, NC a few weeks ago, and was greatly looking forward to traveling to Washington to hear Lynn and perhaps spend some time getting to know him.
"Wherefore, said they, if we have found grace in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants for a possession, and bring us not over Jordan" (Numbers 32:5). That is the request of two-and-a-half tribes, the tribes of Reuben, the tribe of Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh. It takes you right to the heart of this extraordinary phase of Israel's history. It is quite impossible to study the whole subject of God's plan for Israel without seeing beyond a shadow of a doubt that God's purpose for Israel was that they should as a whole, in entirety go over Jordan and possess the land.