Christian and secular historians verify that Jesus Christ lived, was crucified, died, and rose from the dead. During His ministry, Jesus also made some very bold claims, calling Himself the Son of God. We know for certain that His statements were true because His words have come to pass. If He were just another religious teacher, His statements would only prove today that He was arrogant and foolish. Instead, they prove He is the risen Savior.
What are you looking for? It's good to make a wish list and be very real. But then take it to the Lord and His Word and discern how "on track" you are. It can be humbling, but it also can be VERY HELPFUL! Then do your best to understand what His will is from His Word and get some things reconciled. It is probably NOT as bad as what you thought! The Word will reveal to you what you CAN do - it will give instruction and encouragement! See how Jesus spoke to people in the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John of the Bible. He reached them!
So shall My word be that goes out from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11 Due to a rising discouragement concerning unfulfilled prophetic words about the nation, and disillusionment with prophetic ministry in general, I would like to offer some suggestions. Let's use the mistakes of the past to mature into our future and become a prophetic people who rightly represent the testimony of Jesus, who is the spirit of prophecy.
As you study the Bible, you will notice God never does anything until He says it. That's the way He works. God has done nothing in the earth without first speaking it. Even now, it seems that God will do nothing in the earth unless it is spoken, prophesied or called for by the prayer of faith. Romans 4:17 tells us that God "quickeneth the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were." In other words, God speaks the end result.
Be still and know that I AM God. Appreciate that you have the time to be quiet and still before Him. Many people do not have this precious freedom where they can quiet their minds before Him. This is the day where many have fallen short of the glory of God. They have given into the devices of the evil one to steal, kill and destroy the innocence of many of My loved ones. The little foxes have been allowed to destroy the vine and many have given way to eat that forbidden fruit of deception.
When God's people finally left the wilderness stage of their experience and began to move into the land God had planned as inheritance, it was only the beginning. This was just the beginning of the greater blessings and benefits that God intended for His people. The beginning of the amazing things awaiting them. As soon as they sampled that first blessing, the fruit of the land, the manna ceased. The manna that had been God's provision was being replaced with something even better.
Have you ever wondered if something is holding you back from experiencing the promises of God? I remember a time in my life when I was hearing about all the promises of God but never actually experiencing them. I heard about peace, but I didn't have any. I heard about joy, but I was unhappy all the time. I could see God's promises in His Word and I believed them, but something was missing. As I spent time studying God's Word, I came to realize that the root of my problem was found in the wrong mindsets I was living with.
All around us, the hearts of men and women are failing. Many are spiritually asleep from sorrow over a world in turmoil. It's so easy to listen to the voices of this world when we need to be hearing the voice of the Father. In 2012, when I was serving on the National Executive Committee of America for Jesus, I met a businessman from Philadelphia whose son was part of a yacht crew and competed in regattas. During one competition, several university scouts had come to watch his son. "There were thousands of people there, and I was screaming for him, 'You've got this, son!'" my friend explained.
This past weekend I spoke at a men's conference in Rwentobo, Uganda. Most of the men were Anglicans, including an archbishop from Rwanda and a bishop from Kenya. But these were not your grandmother's Anglicans. These men danced in the aisles, shouted their praises, and spoke in tongues. Even the bishops with clerical collars talked about healing the sick and casting out demons. In Africa, Christians aren't embarrassed to talk about the Holy Spirit. If your church allows this kind of freedom, you are blessed—because many American pastors today are afraid to allow the Spirit to move. We've put Him in a box.
"Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it." Numbers 23:20 Take time to reread today's scripture. They are precious words, and they reveal how God sees you and me today. They were spoken by a prophet named Balaam, who had been hired by Balak, the king of Moab, to invoke a curse to drive his enemy, the Israelites, from his territory. However, when Balaam opened his mouth to curse, blessings from God flowed out upon the Israelites instead (Num. 23:21–24)!