The Lord told me in November that 2017 is the Year of Victory. (I thought He told me "early" but over the years, I have learned that He has His reasons for things.) He asks: What can you believe God for victory of, from or over? Think BIG!!! Now think FAITH – that is the "I want to." Now think BELIEF, making it happen. Now what will aid all that? This is your work in God, to believe. Be practical, in the Spirit. God can do the impossible! If you can honestly agree with God for it, you can have it! You just have to tend it in the Garden of your faith. Are you agreeing with God?
In case you have forgotten, in case you never knew: you are not crazy, you are not alone, you are loved. "Why do I believe what I believe? Is this really real? I want to believe, but I'm struggling." I hear you loud and clear. I know you're exhausted. This road is full of heartache and existential angst, but it's so worth it. It's worth it, because at the end of the pursuit of truth is not more certainty but more hope--hope that compels us to love and live more deeply than we ever knew possible.
The other day the Spirit of the Lord asked me a question, "How long will you have been married in 2017?" I answered, "34 years." Then the Spirit said, "Yes, this is double 17's! There will be a release of double portions in 2017. Double redemption, double restoration and double repayment for every promise that has been delayed." Then I confirmed the math that 17 + 17 does indeed equal 34. Then the Spirit told me, "It will be double for all of your trouble. Go to Psalm 34:17 and I will confirm this to you." So I did!
This is the day and the hour that I am drawing you closer to Me than ever before. I am filling you up to overflowing just by you coming to Me and basking in My intimate presence and love. It is most important that you partake of My presence in a way where I am able to fill you up so fully that My springs of Living Water gush up and spread out and touch everyone you make contact with. Yes, this is not the time to go off by yourself and harden your heart with complacency. Taste and see that your Lord is good. Yes, blessed is the man whose god is the Lord.
At the end of October 2016, I shared a message about how 2017 was to be a year of extreme sensitivity to the Spirit of God. According to the Jewish calendar, we are in the year 5777. We are still in the decade of the 70s, which is represented by the letter ayin. Ayin, in the Hebrew alphabet, is characterized by a pair of eyes, which give clarity and vision. Recently, Holy Spirit began speaking to me more about this year—5777—being the year of the sword of the Lord. The fact that the number 7 is repeated three times and the crown on the pictograph caught my attention. Biblically speaking, seven represents perfection, maturity, completeness, wholeness. The pictograph in the Hebrew alphabet for zayin also shows a spear or a sword, a weapon, an arrow, or a royal scepter.
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that a fresh oil is flowing from Heaven upon the church. This anointing is the Kingly Anointing. It is reserved for those who are fully committed to the call of advancing the Gospel of the Kingdom. This anointing is a necessity if the church is to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in Heaven. Signs and wonders will follow as the Word is carried out into fruition.
Hebrews 4:3,9-10 For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said: "So I swore in My wrath, 'They shall not enter My rest,'" although the works were finished from the foundation of the world… There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. 2017 is going to be a time for rest and refreshing in the presence of God. That is good news! God wants to take His people to another level of rest.
As I sat with the Lord today I heard the words flow from His heart "Pioneers, this is your destiny year!!" There has been a very strategic assignment against the pioneers coming into 2017, those who are forerunning and pioneering new lands, new pathways, new strategy from heaven. This strategic assignment has come against with giants raising their ugly heads again to do whatever they can to intimidate and cause the pioneers to withdraw and to not move forward. The very reason that there has been such turbulence, such heaviness, such confusion and dread coming against many of the pioneers is because pioneers this is your destiny year!
On January 3, I had a major encounter in which the Lord spoke to me that over the next three weeks there would be some radical adjustments and changes coming for us all. God spoke to me that the last week of January would be a significant time for this to begin. There have been some changes in many people's callings. New assignments were released from the heavenly adjustment department. This will be the start of some major realignments and reassignments coming over the next few months. Many people have been experiencing serious levels of discouragement and warfare. I have been praying daily for a breakthrough about this for myself and for others. On January 16, God spoke to me that my case in Heaven had been reviewed and an adjustment offer had been released. I have never heard this before and it took me by surprise. I also heard that this was happening to many people right now.
One issue we all face is knowing when to press into initiatives without getting ahead of God. It is wounding to invest our energy and faith to contend for something that never happens, or find out later that it was never supposed to happen. In our hearts, we retreat back to a vow that says, "Lord, unless you tell me, I won't commit the sin of presumption again." Now that sounds spiritual and it fits a theological tradition that God is sovereign. However, God's sovereignty really means that He can control whatever he wants to, but He usually makes room for His Kingdom kids to exercise initiative and power to work with Him. God is the only one with the keys to the car…but in the Kingdom, He's letting His sons and daughters learn to drive.