Two years ago when I was preaching at a church in Florida, a boy named Roczen was filled with the Holy Spirit during a revival service. He was only about 5 years old. But a week later he felt such boldness that he asked his pastor if he could pray for the entire church. When he prayed for the congregation from the stage, several other people were filled with the Holy Spirit. Roczen is a regular boy who loves to play with his Matchbox cars and video games. But he has a close relationship with Jesus, and he regularly prays in his prayer language. This weekend I watched as Roczen laid hands on my 12-year-old grandson and prayed for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
God always wants the best for us and that is why He hates our excuses. Excuses are what keep us from following God and may even keep us from heaven. I am not saying this to scare you. I am saying it to make sure you are following what He wants you to do. 1 John 2:28 in the Message tells us, "And now, Children, stay with Christ. Live deeply in Christ. Then we'll be ready for Him when He appears, ready to receive Him with open arms, with no cause for red-faced guilt or lame excuses when He arrives."
You have greatness inside of you! You have the power to see lives transformed and God glorified. Jesus told the disciples not to try to do anything for Him without first receiving the Holy Spirit. Being assembled with them, He commanded them, "Do not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, of which you have heard from Me. For John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now." (Acts 1:4-5)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Nothing was made if it wasn't made by Him. He created life and put His light into it. The Light is the source of all life. He created all things by just speaking them into existence. Listen to the stars as they twinkle. What do they say besides there is a God that created Light, follow Him. He will lead and guide you into all Truth. Be like a child that has childlike faith. They believe and receive because they do not doubt.
On Palm Sunday evening the Holy Spirit started saying "something more." God has "something more" for His people and we have been made faithful to stand with Him and release the impartation that comes from His Word of revelation. A special one-time meeting was held Saturday, April 20th to release what the Lord has given us. Below are some thoughts that were included, as well as some that did not get mentioned that I sense will be helpful to those who sincerely desire, need & are seeking "something more."
Sue and I get a newsletter from a stock trading service. They had a recent meeting for their clients and the report is that that one presenter stole the show. He had a new AI generated stock trading technique that got immediate results. The story of humanity is one of temptation for my immediate results. The secret is that something like this happens at every meeting. It encourages existing clients to sign up or more services, a mix of garden-variety marketing and spin on additional value.
I want to share a word that I received today. Nine years ago, there was a popular movie called "The War Room." This film captivated audiences, particularly resonating with the Christian community. The story was about a successful couple named Elizabeth and Tony. They had a beautiful home, a lovely daughter named Danielle, and great jobs. Tony was a pharmaceutical salesman, and Elizabeth was a realtor. They began having marital problems because Tony's job required him to travel often, and it took a toll on him and caused him to become abusive.
In recent weeks, I have felt the overwhelming presence of the Lord and His great love for the Bride. His tangible presence has been on the increase, and I sense His determination to make Himself known. Your spiritual adversary has been causing sensory overload. Aiming to short circuit your soul and spirit, the enemy has tried to overwhelm your senses with negative input in hopes of shutting down your ability to perceive My presence. He knows what's coming and is desperate to stop it.
Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:20–21 I encourage you to test everything you hear with God's Word. I always tell my church to read the Bible for themselves instead of simply swallowing all that any preacher, including myself, says. Be wise and don't just swallow everything—hook, line, sinker, fisherman, and even his boots! Be discerning when you hear something that does not sit well in your spirit, such as when a preacher tells you that "God gives you sicknesses to teach you a lesson."
Most people don't understand the power of words. Do you realize that the things you are speaking out of your mouth are setting the cornerstone of your life? Some words deceive. Some words transmit faith. Think about it. The words you speak can transmit faith or fear. So, when we are talking about your spoken words, we are talking about things that are powerful enough to change lives for the better or worse.