You know those painful, messy, broken pieces we don't let too many people see? Yeah, those. Well, Jesus sees and knows. He knows we all have some pieces that are in need of mending. He sees and hears those bruised places calling out for His beautiful touch. And sometimes we just need to be reminded that HE LOVES US THROUGH IT ALL. That He aches when we ache. That He weeps with us. We don't have to pretend or perform. We don't have to try and act fine when we're really not because He already knows the truth of our scars and stories. He's already seeing us eye-to-eye and heart-to-heart.
By now most of you saw or have heard about the mistake made at the Academy Awards last night when the wrong envelope was given to the presenters causing the wrong movie to be called out for best movie. Our family was watching during this moment and as it did it hit my spirit as a significant sign of "things and decisions being overturned for God's people". For a moment (in the Oscar moment) everyone thought that the announcement was a joke. People will be saying the same thing about your miracle. I hear God say
Last night while I was just loving on the Lord in a sweet moment of worship, He spoke to me saying, "There is now a releasing of three keys," and He then took me into a vision. In the vision I saw myself stepping from my kitchen into my dining room. I stood in the dining room, looking down at my feet. I then saw Him lay a key on the floor in front of my feet. As I reached down to pick it up He said, "This one is wisdom." I began to take a step forward and then saw that on the floor in front of me was a door (in the floor).
We reach people in different ways because people see things in different ways, and that difference also makes them pray in different ways! Jesus taught us to be concerned about 24 hours at a time: "Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof," He said. "Enough already!" is what He was really saying. "Be in the moment. Handle right now." And we know this process is how many people get over big problems. There is a progression, one step at a time! You cannot take the better step 5 until you get past your 1, 2 and 3! But people really do think differently and some of that could be your ministry gift. I remember praying for a sound box (amplifier) and recorder for our meetings in Houston one time, and people started asking me "what kind? What features?"
When Patrick was sixteen years old the Picts and Scots began to raid the coast, plunder and take hostages. One of the most victorious of these 'Sea kings' was Niall, surnamed, "Of the Nine Hostages" (because he took hostages from nine places). It was during one of Niall's raids that Patrick was taken hostage one day, along with a maid-servant, his sister, Lupita, and some other companions.
I remember the first time the Lord's Supper clicked in my mind as a child. After church I asked my parents if we could go buy juice and bread from the store, and for the next week my sister and I took communion by candlelight in our upstairs office room. There is something beautiful about childlike faith: unadulterated by much of the sorrow and suffering years of living brings, free from doubts of a searching mind, vacant of the complexity an aging soul acquires. I long for that simplicity. Progress is wonderful, growing in our thinking is invigorating, but like the writer in Ecclesiastes says, "For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief."
Yes, the hour of desperation is upon you. What may have worked in the past seems like it is no longer working. You want more of Me like never before. Your heart is full and at times overwhelmed with what is happening all around you. There is terror all around and destruction and chaos and many do not have peace, but I am calling you to dwell within My secret chamber. I am calling you to draw close to Me and know that I am your god and there is no other who can preserve your life and can set you on high free from the cares of the world. If you would draw close and rest in Me, I will refresh you.
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, I am releasing new things quickly! This is the season that many have prophesied about for years. I am releasing the promises that I spoke to you about in secret concerning your divine purpose. For I am causing a great work to arise from within you. This is a season of accelerated expansion and building.
I had a dream not too long ago that I was transported to a church and up in front of the church and a prophetess said to me that a pastor that I knew of is going to die soon and I am supposed to take over as pastor of his church. I then woke up in the natural and prayed to God and said God, "Is this true am I supposed to do that?" Then I went back to sleep and I dreamed that I was at a church and I was sitting at a table with a prophet and he said the dream wasn't true and you are called to pastor but it's not time yet. I said wait a minute I have been the pastor of several churches yet you say it's not time yet.
There is a story in the bible about the prophet Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel against their false gods. Elijah invited 450 prophets of Baal to a challenge. He asked them "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, then follow Him. If Baal is God, then follow him." Elijah then told them to make a sacrifice without a natural fire and the God who answers by fire will prove to be God. They built an altar, slaughtered and cut oxen, then laid them on the wood of the altar. Elijah told them to pray for their god to send fire to light their sacrifice.